#garfield Logs
Feb 18 2025
#garfield Calendar
01:35 AM rifraf: ok only 1 job left before more bits arrive
01:50 AM rifraf: fix the 5C taper, one of those jobs i keep putting off but will affect the testing and functionality to no end if not right
01:50 AM rifraf: so many odds and ends and fitting to do still though
02:31 AM rifraf: how on earth did i get sidetracked into making this thing, surely i had other things to do
04:05 AM rue_mohr: hehe
04:06 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/art/guage3-optimized.svg
04:06 AM rue_mohr: here ya go guys, I need sleep!
04:32 AM Tom_L: rifraf, HAL = Hardware Abstract Layer
04:39 AM rifraf: yep the acronym i know, just not how linuxcnc uses it
04:40 AM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/hal/intro.html
04:40 AM rifraf: cheers
04:40 AM rue_mohr: 2:30am, rue cooks some supper...
04:40 AM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/hal/components.html
04:41 AM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/
04:41 AM Tom_L: about halfway down you can see the hal component list
04:41 AM Tom_L: and you can make your own
04:42 AM Tom_L: some are realtime and some are put in userspace (slower thread)
04:42 AM rifraf: ok cool, guess it will have to wait for a while, would need another controller to drive all the motors i guess
04:42 AM Tom_L: look at a mesa card if you decide to use it
04:43 AM rifraf: ok
04:43 AM Tom_L: 7i96s comes to mind
04:43 AM Tom_L: https://store.mesanet.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=374
04:43 AM Tom_L: ethernet interface
04:44 AM Tom_L: https://mesaus.com/
04:44 AM Tom_L: a bit easier to navigate
04:45 AM Tom_L: i'm using a 7i90 & 7i47s but they'er a bit older
04:46 AM rifraf: yep looks ok card, might need an extra axis or 2 though, or are spindles separte? and 6 outputs might be enough, may need a couple more
07:23 AM Tom_L: that has 0-10v analog out for spindle
07:29 AM Tom_L: you can also add a sserial card to that one for extra IO
01:20 PM polprog: im alive
01:20 PM polprog: flu got me
01:20 PM polprog: 3 days under double blanket
01:45 PM rue_mohr: :/
03:23 PM Tom_L: https://www.amazon.ca/KeeYees-Adapter-SOT223-TQFP100-2-54mm/dp/B085L8SK7Z/
04:41 PM rifraf: gah how can a setup in 4 jaw take so long :/
04:41 PM rifraf: it hates me today, fixing taper on drawtube
04:41 PM rifraf: so nice how well you can dial in the taper when you have one to copy
04:41 PM rifraf: not sure if i was off by much yet
04:42 PM rifraf: that looks pretty handy to have on hand for prototyping tom
04:43 PM * rifraf does the happy dance, new job confirmed to start next Monday
04:46 PM rifraf: guess i better keep dialing in, since this part will hold every single part has to be pretty close
06:28 PM rifraf: and done..
06:29 PM rifraf: need some springs now, again just a few km away but could be days
06:53 PM rifraf: with a couple of huge belle ville washers Tom_L, 36mm id
09:24 PM rue_mohr: arg
09:24 PM rue_mohr: life challanges
09:27 PM rifraf: yep, too much to drink at 1pm, whats your issue?
09:28 PM rifraf: did get alot done this morning though, including cleaning the workspace, got compressor out
09:28 PM rifraf: then chucked compressor into the rubbish pile, way too noisy and takes forever to get upto pressure
09:29 PM rifraf: gonna try the silent one, and sure even a small one gonna be better than this thing
09:57 PM Tom_L: oil less won't last as long
09:58 PM Tom_L: sound like some hefty washers
10:00 PM rifraf: well lets see Tom_L, odered one online, 15L tank, 1.5HP, i just want quiet, testing with the noisy thing i had would drive the neighbourhood nuts
10:01 PM rifraf: Tom_L yeah the washers needed to be a certain ID, ie. 35mm, these were only choice, we will see in the next few days when they get here
10:02 PM rifraf: might use with spring, or might have to get more washers, is all tto be determined
10:03 PM rifraf: Tom_L i don\t have a huge need for compressor with big duty cycle, i just want a cute little thing thats also not a toy
10:05 PM rifraf: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004441534403.html just got a pair for now, they cost alot in shipping and may be too strong
10:06 PM rifraf: 71mm od and 2mm think, they have upto 4mm thick, that must be some big spring force
10:07 PM rifraf: i am no where near that pressure, but nice to have a few on hand in case
10:09 PM rifraf: think i order wrong springs :/ i though they were talkin ID and seems like its OD
10:10 PM rifraf: testing might be with 2 bellevilles and a metal sleeve spacer
10:12 PM rifraf: oh well a few strong springs for the spring box, better find the right ones
10:18 PM rue_shop2: trump will be sending US troops to Russia to help them against the Ukranian attack, how many US troops do you think wont want to participate?
10:39 PM rifraf: i doubt it
10:45 PM rifraf: wat a bummer, thought those springs were too cheap
10:46 PM rifraf: 3D printed springs?
10:46 PM rifraf: or maybe just the belleville for now, should be able to squash them a little i hope
10:47 PM rifraf: time to fire up the arduino and see what these irf1404 are doing
11:00 PM rue_shop2: rifraf, you HAD the compressor. {cry}
11:01 PM rue_shop2: last compressor he would ever need, if he'd kept it
11:22 PM rifraf: best one is at a mates place, guess now its his, was a big old but quiet thing
11:23 PM rue_shop2: polprog, few more tests, but looks like the esp-01 expander is working