#garfield Logs
Feb 17 2025
#garfield Calendar
12:57 AM rifraf: made bracket to mount the cylinder mounts, won't be the weak point, is from 12mm and 10mm plate
01:13 AM rue_mohr: so
01:13 AM rue_mohr: this is awkward
01:13 AM rifraf: https://desire3d.com/images/public/CylinderMount1.jpg
01:13 AM rifraf: https://desire3d.com/images/public/CylinderMount2.jpg
01:13 AM rue_mohr: a cat showed up at my house
01:13 AM rue_mohr: seemed to be exploring
01:13 AM rue_mohr: I said hi
01:13 AM rue_mohr: it didn't go away
01:18 AM rifraf: that bracket i just made is a bit over 2.2kg
01:19 AM rifraf: when welded should survive the forces easy and malfunctions
01:29 AM rifraf: rue_shop2 the bigger picture for more context, https://desire3d.com/images/public/5C_ColletRelease1.jpg
01:29 AM rifraf: see any issues?
04:26 AM Tom_L: lookin good rifraf
07:27 AM aandrew: I don't think I've ever heard the phrase "cat with a full set of knockers" before
11:11 AM rue_mohr: sfw
11:48 AM rue_mohr: ok, the world is officially renaming the USA to Karen, please dont be surprised when you see this change roll thru the systems
12:02 PM rifraf: all good, rolls off the tongue a bit easier
12:44 PM rue_mohr: ok I need to go on a bit of a mission to try to find a cat owner
12:44 PM rue_mohr: I hope that cat is ok, it was gone this morning
12:44 PM rue_mohr: it seems like an indoor cat, so I'm worried about cars and wild animals for it
12:45 PM rue_mohr: we have our share of racoons, coyotes, and F350 here
12:45 PM rifraf: sweet of you
12:45 PM rue_mohr: I dont think it even had any fleas
12:45 PM rue_mohr: it was like purfumed
12:45 PM rifraf: keep it
12:45 PM rue_mohr: not a scratch on it
12:45 PM rue_mohr: I didn't feed it, it slept on the deck and was gone this morning
12:46 PM rue_mohr: it was SUPER happy to see someone, bahaving quite lost
12:46 PM rifraf: maybe belongs to a crazy cat lady that will repay you kindly for returning it
12:46 PM rue_mohr: I tried as many neighbours as I could, no hits
12:47 PM rifraf: if it was gone this morning then what are you worried about?
12:48 PM rue_mohr: it being dead
12:48 PM rue_mohr: it was a nice cat
12:48 PM rue_mohr: oh and eagles, we have them 'round here too
12:48 PM rifraf: worry when you smell something bad
12:48 PM rue_mohr: I'm sort of impressed my two cats are still alive
12:48 PM rue_mohr: I suppose
12:49 PM rue_mohr: see if it turns up later today also
12:49 PM rifraf: hrm 4am, bit early to start drilling i think
12:50 PM rue_mohr: neighbours closer than the typ 4miles?
12:50 PM rifraf: rue_mohr did you see the bearing were a good fit, got em in morning and all assembled well
12:50 PM rue_mohr: yes
12:50 PM rue_mohr: it looks awesome
12:50 PM rue_mohr: what holds the bearing block?
12:50 PM rifraf: in suburbia, they can hear me typing at this hour
12:51 PM rue_mohr: oh
12:51 PM rifraf: a 25mm aluminium plate
12:51 PM rue_mohr: ah
12:51 PM rifraf: will be bolted for now but welded when complete
12:52 PM rue_mohr: ok, plan: food, get dressed, try to find cat home
12:52 PM rue_mohr: then try to get adc on an ESP01
12:52 PM rue_mohr: using pwm
12:52 PM rue_mohr: I hate 3.3V
12:52 PM rue_mohr: and I dont want noodles for breakfast
12:53 PM rue_mohr: or anything
12:53 PM rue_mohr: I want icecream
12:53 PM rue_mohr: why
12:53 PM rue_mohr: do I just go with it?
12:53 PM rifraf: yep, ice cream for breakfast sounds great
12:54 PM rue_mohr: https://infosec.exchange/@RueNahcMohr/114016960491566294
12:54 PM rue_mohr: will that play for you?
12:54 PM rue_mohr: thats my camera gimbal
12:54 PM rifraf: gotta drill 70mm od hole in this 10mm plate this morn
12:54 PM rifraf: and a 60mm one
12:54 PM rue_mohr: I want to mod it later
12:54 PM rue_mohr: came up with a major improcement
12:54 PM rue_mohr: v
12:55 PM rifraf: looks like its working well
12:55 PM rue_mohr: yea
12:55 PM rue_mohr: 1:1 on the servos moves pretty fast
12:56 PM rue_mohr: hahah, I should put a servo controller IN a joystick
01:45 PM rue_mohr: hmm, someone reports that a cat a lot like that does round around town
01:46 PM rue_mohr: its new to this area
01:47 PM Tom_L: does it find the way home?
01:48 PM Tom_L: cool pan/tilt
01:48 PM Tom_L: may wanna gear it down a bit
03:43 PM rue_shop2: the goal is past that, so I'm going to live with it till I cant
04:00 PM Tom_L: still pretty cool
04:52 PM rifraf: you guys used bi metal holesaws on thick steel?
04:54 PM Tom_dev: not usually
04:55 PM rifraf: they are pretty good compared to what they used to be
04:55 PM rifraf: am liking them more than the TCT ones in ways
04:55 PM rifraf: imagine cutting a 70mm OD hole in 12 mm plste with hole swew
04:55 PM rifraf: times like these i need a fibre laser
05:27 PM rifraf: another big task done
05:28 PM rifraf: another piece of swiss cheese brought to you by electrovice https://www.desire3d.com/images/public/acservomount1.jpg
05:29 PM rifraf: holes in the sides even
05:29 PM rifraf: need to shape it an bit and cut to size still
05:29 PM rifraf: using watever i find, no materials or tools bought for these parts
06:05 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, I'm not sure where the cat lives, so I have to just hope its ok
06:06 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, that looks like a noisy cut
06:06 PM Tom_L: maybe you should keep it if it returns
06:20 PM rifraf: rue_mohr yep all pretty rough at this point, cut with cutoff disc and angle grinder
06:20 PM rifraf: some parts of that were also cropped
06:20 PM Tom_L: did i miss some pics?
06:20 PM rifraf: but have trimmed it up a bit sice that image, had to reduce 110mm to 101.6
06:21 PM Tom_L: i see the swiss cheese one
06:21 PM rifraf: Tom_L i think this one https://www.desire3d.com/images/public/acservomount1.jpg
06:21 PM rifraf: yes thats only one
06:21 PM rifraf: been on that part all day
06:21 PM Tom_L: expensive part
06:22 PM rifraf: the whole thing is if you count time
06:22 PM rifraf: is only 10am though if that helps
06:22 PM Tom_L: 6pm
06:22 PM Tom_L: yesterday :)
06:23 PM rifraf: never a fast part to make, even if i got the main holes laser cut still have to do all the rest and counterbores etc
06:23 PM rifraf: yep :)
06:48 PM Tom_L: aandrew, anywhere near your hometown? https://www.cnn.com/world/live-news/delta-plane-crash-toronto-flips-02-17-25/index.html
07:12 PM rue_mohr: no, I'd like to see how it ended up like that tho
07:12 PM rue_mohr: "oh no, wait, THATS the sky and THATS the ground..., oh, too late..."
07:23 PM rue_mohr: I hope I get pcbs to assemble soon
07:34 PM rue_shop2: Tom_L, do you think a form or die could be done up (maybe in wood) that would turn a section of thin pipe into a rectangular pipe?
07:35 PM rue_shop2: my mind is pondering project cases lately
07:39 PM rifraf: rue i have been folding and spot welding my cases lately
07:40 PM rifraf: adding studs where needed to mount stuff
07:40 PM rifraf: man soo many holes to do
07:40 PM rifraf: \\just did anout 8 counter bored in the 25mm aluminium plate
07:41 PM rifraf: and the same to do in the headstock block next, but they need to be tapped
07:46 PM rue_shop2: do you buy studs?
07:46 PM rue_shop2: or grind back the heads on screws?
07:55 PM rifraf: bought them
07:56 PM rifraf: the little nipple very important and too hard to machine consistantly, did try while testing
08:19 PM Tom_L: rue_shop2, it would take quite a bit of force
08:19 PM Tom_L: i doubt would could withstand that
08:21 PM rifraf: rue_shop2 2 more simple tools that are game changers, spiral machine taps and counterbore drill bits
08:21 PM rifraf: just tgot arm full of grease
08:22 PM rifraf: Tom_L the bearing fits were perfect, had to press out to drill/tap headstock
08:22 PM rifraf: was a nice amount of pressure needed without having to deform anything
08:25 PM Tom_L: To form a round tube into a square tube, a process called "roll forming" is used, where the round tube is passed through a series of specially designed rollers that gradually shape it into a square cross-section by applying pressure and manipulating the metal's edges until it reaches the desired square shape
08:25 PM Tom_L: we made a set of roll forms for a company next door to us once upon a time
08:26 PM Tom_L: series of maybe 6-8
08:27 PM Tom_L: rifraf, you must have measured something right
08:32 PM rifraf: roll formers are not cheap, they also make roofing patterns
08:32 PM Tom_L: yup
08:33 PM Tom_L: the company did aircraft extrusions
08:33 PM rifraf: Tom_L indeed, when the shaft was at 49.995 all the way along i knew it had to fit
08:33 PM rifraf: ok 8 holes tapped, productive day here
08:34 PM Tom_L: gonna be -5F here this week... may pack up for a visit :)
08:34 PM rifraf: time to keep making noise and get motor plate right shape
08:34 PM rifraf: anytime, still hot every dau here, but overcast today, so more humid
08:36 PM Tom_L: too many things there can kill ya
08:36 PM Tom_L: or so i'm told
08:37 PM rue_mohr: I want things, but when I ask myself why it disolves
08:37 PM rue_mohr: maybe I should stop asking
08:37 PM rue_mohr: just do
08:38 PM Tom_L: i go in phases.. takes me some time to get inspired
08:38 PM Tom_L: but then i go at it until it's done
08:38 PM rue_mohr: mmm
08:38 PM Tom_L: and sit and wonder what to do nest
08:38 PM Tom_L: next
08:38 PM rue_mohr: I need to do a serious re-balance of my stuff-space ratio
08:38 PM rue_mohr: which can be achieved by building thigns
08:39 PM Tom_L: or cleaning house
08:39 PM rue_mohr: I seem to want joysticks
08:39 PM rue_mohr: lots of joysticks
08:40 PM rue_mohr: BNO055. filter is madgwick filter
08:40 PM rue_mohr: hmmm
08:42 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4SQ74QLO50
08:42 PM Tom_L: i recently fixed those ops
08:42 PM Tom_L: so it doesn't look so stupid skipping the first hole
08:42 PM Tom_L: and doing it last
08:42 PM Tom_L: that was a product of the drill cycle
08:43 PM rue_mohr: 1000 likes on that little video...
08:43 PM Tom_L: camera?
08:43 PM rue_mohr: yea
08:43 PM Tom_L: twitter?
08:43 PM rue_mohr: I didn't get my CAM program finished to be able to do drill-ops
08:44 PM rue_mohr: yea twitter
08:44 PM rue_mohr: hahahtapped good
08:44 PM Tom_L: now the op does the first hole like it should
08:44 PM rue_mohr: :]
08:45 PM Tom_L: https://paste.debian.net/1350250/
08:45 PM Tom_L: uses polar coordinates
08:45 PM Tom_L: never done much with those
08:46 PM rue_mohr: huh
08:46 PM Tom_L: G0 ^#2040 is an angular move whatever degrees that var has
08:47 PM Tom_L: i doubt grbl supports that
08:47 PM Tom_L: i would be surprised
08:47 PM Tom_L: good for hole patterns
08:47 PM rue_mohr: twitter says 43 new followers are attributed to that video...
08:47 PM rue_mohr: I cant believe their all real people
08:48 PM rue_mohr: tho, there is something odd
08:48 PM rue_mohr: I'v noticed posts on like 3d printing sites and stuff
08:48 PM rue_mohr: people who build stuff for fun
08:48 PM rue_mohr: but NEVER talk about it
08:49 PM rue_mohr: they dont seem to have a desire to be known, find others or share
08:49 PM Tom_L: it must be shared
08:49 PM rue_mohr: I'v seen things in the backgrounds of photos
08:50 PM Tom_L: that's usually where i look first
08:50 PM rue_mohr: and try to dig, and they just have streams of political junk and stuff
08:50 PM rue_mohr: if anything
08:50 PM rue_mohr: some of them dont exist anywhere otherwise
08:52 PM Tom_L: grbl-polar: A modification of Grbl that allows motion in polar coordinates. It includes features like PWM support, kinematic kinematics, and the ability to define polar
08:53 PM Tom_L: Use the "Modify" menu and select "Cartesian to Polar Conversion"
08:53 PM Tom_L: sounds like alot of messin
08:56 PM Tom_L: what are you gonna use the camera for?
09:08 PM rue_mohr: the idea is to put it on a wheeled bot so I can use a FPV headset and 'look around' while driving
09:09 PM rifraf: rescue rue
09:09 PM rue_mohr: no
09:09 PM rue_mohr: My soft goal is to experience life as a robot
09:12 PM rifraf: all you need to do is pick up your phone and stare endlessly at it, swiping, swipping swiping
09:29 PM rifraf: https://www.desire3d.com/images/public/SpiralTap.jpg
09:29 PM rifraf: https://www.desire3d.com/images/public/LotsaHoles.jpg
09:58 PM rifraf: slowly looking like something, https://www.desire3d.com/images/public/asm1.jpg https://www.desire3d.com/images/public/asm2.jpg
10:02 PM rifraf: need a break thats for sure, shower , food beers and then can look again, already 4 stand offs to michine and 4 more mount holes to drill/tap :/
10:12 PM Tom_L: lookin good
10:13 PM Tom_L: for alignment on pieces i generally try to pin along with bolts
10:54 PM rue_mohr: oo spiral flute tap...
10:55 PM rue_mohr: lookin great rif
10:56 PM rue_mohr: interesting, the news seems to be hilighting the cancelation of travel to the usa more than the boycott of us goods
10:57 PM rue_mohr: seem to be more worried about how tourism will be hit
10:58 PM rue_mohr: mm I need to do something, been all dazzled by my tilt and pan progress
10:58 PM rue_mohr: chatgpt gave me some websocket basics I should try
10:59 PM rue_mohr: an opportunity to sort out the filtered mac address list on the router
10:59 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, ever worked with websockets?
11:00 PM rue_mohr: polprog? aandrew ?
11:01 PM rue_mohr: I tried to fix the rpm meter on the cnc
11:02 PM rue_mohr: I'm not sure whats wrong, but wasn't able to resolve it
11:10 PM rifraf: have not rue, that i know of anyway
11:11 PM rue_mohr: be aware that a javascript thing running on a phone is a lot of computing power that can be leveraged by something like an esp8266 that just takes the results and does simple IO with them
11:12 PM rue_mohr: background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20viewBox%3D%220%200%2032%2032%22%3E%20%3Cdefs%20id%3D%22defs3051%22%3E%20%3Cstyle%20type%3D%22text%2Fcss%22%20id%3D%22current-color-scheme%22%3E%20.ColorScheme-Text%20%7B%20color%3A%2300ff00%3B%20%7D%20%3C%2Fstyle%3E%20%3C%2Fdefs%3E%20%3Cpath%20style%3D%22fill%3AcurrentColor%3Bfill-opacity%3A1%3Bstroke%3Anone%22%20d%3D%22m%206
11:12 PM rue_mohr: %206%200%2020%2020%20-10%20z%22%20id%3D%22path105%22%20class%3D%22ColorScheme-Text%22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E%0A");
11:12 PM rue_mohr: oh, I embedded the svg image
11:12 PM rifraf: oh
11:12 PM rue_mohr: svg images are text that can have javascript too
11:13 PM rifraf: well i am fed and cleaned, beers on ice, but am work out, those holes took it out of me
11:13 PM rue_mohr: I have a whole robot remote thats just an svg image
11:13 PM rifraf: worn* out