#garfield Logs
Feb 16 2025
#garfield Calendar
12:07 AM rue_mohr: rifraf, well I want to move the rotation motor to the other side of the camera, but as I want to use this thing and not spend a month redesigning it, I'm just going with this
12:21 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330809.jpg
12:21 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330810.jpg
12:21 AM rue_mohr: moving that motor would shave 2cm off the height
12:35 AM rue_mohr: and I can trim down the upper part there, I got my numbers wrong and its higher than it needs to be
06:04 PM rifraf: bearings installed, nice fit
06:16 PM rue_mohr: new cat trying to learn the lay of the land, not sure if its from the new neighbours, their not answering
06:16 PM rue_mohr: my cats are not impressed
06:31 PM rifraf: https://desire3d.com/images/public/thrustbearing1.jpg
06:31 PM rifraf: https://desire3d.com/images/public/thrustbearing2.jpg
06:32 PM rifraf: will have to come apart again when oil seals arrive, and to one day add a 3 jaw chuck faceplate
06:33 PM rifraf: so good that the parts came together perfectly, m50 lock nut came as well and was even nice fit
06:33 PM rue_mohr: huh, nopresealed bearings eh?
06:34 PM Tom_L: lookin good
06:34 PM rifraf: big thrust bearings rue, they are never presealed
06:34 PM rifraf: 32010x in this case
06:35 PM rifraf: nice messy job packin the brease, but getting better, and having disposabled gloves makes it even easier
06:35 PM rifraf: grease*
06:39 PM rifraf: bearings have manufacture date of 10 days ago, like practically when I ordered. nice package, i dunno how they do this stuff
06:45 PM rifraf: heh no disassembly even need for the oil seals without the 3 jaw faceplate, perfect, just need a m50 locking washer to arrive as well, workin on bit of redesign for the rest
06:46 PM rue_mohr: ah
06:50 PM rifraf: the air cylinder mounts are chunkier than expected, certainly should hold them rigid, even though is a shear mount arrangement
06:51 PM rifraf: this whole thing looks remarkably real
06:51 PM rifraf: hard to get the scale in cad even sometimes
08:11 PM rue_mohr: no, Ihave no idea whos cat this is