#garfield Logs
Feb 09 2025
#garfield Calendar
01:20 AM rue_mohr: https://pinshape.com/users/216751-jobsmolders#designs-tab-open
01:35 AM rue_mohr: arg, this person doesn't seem to be on any chat platform
04:30 PM rue_mohr: so, lets see
04:30 PM rue_mohr: got a cold or somethin
04:30 PM rue_mohr: what can I do today to get closer to understanding life as a robot
04:31 PM rue_mohr: oh I know, learn to cope with solitude!
04:31 PM rue_mohr: ok, that didn't work
04:32 PM rue_mohr: maybe I should work on improving my continious improvement capabilities
04:32 PM rue_mohr: I should get the rest of the latches milling
04:32 PM rue_mohr: I want to build a joystick
04:33 PM rue_mohr: if I dont do it, I dont know if I'm just gonna hang up on it and not do anything else
04:35 PM rifraf: what kind of cutoff discs do you guys use for aluminium?
04:36 PM rue_mohr: I dont
04:36 PM rue_mohr: I use a saw
04:36 PM rue_mohr: bandsaw or jigsaw
04:36 PM rifraf: reckon a motor plate from 6mm steel is as strong as 12mm aluminium?
04:36 PM rue_mohr: sure
04:37 PM rifraf: is getting too expensive for ally, gonna go pick up some 4"x4" stock and 1" base plate shortly
04:37 PM rue_mohr: but epoxy granite might be better
04:37 PM rifraf: cool, i have some 160x6 flatbar, i just know that over 6 meters the flatbar is still pretty bendy
04:37 PM rue_mohr: absorbs vibration
04:37 PM rue_mohr: concrete even
04:38 PM rue_mohr: did you see the article on the concrete lathe?
04:38 PM rifraf: for a removable headstock?
04:38 PM rifraf: i did see some a few months back
04:38 PM rue_mohr: well, you have to have special interface edges and stuff
04:39 PM rue_mohr: think of how much pressure your putting on your cutting bit
04:39 PM rue_mohr: thats just about all the force you need to deal with
04:39 PM rue_mohr: granted the collette release is more
04:39 PM rifraf: damn, i had the 12mm plate so i could use M6 into it sideways, can't do that with 6mm plate
04:39 PM rue_mohr: but you can weld a peice on at 90*
04:39 PM rifraf: need a new mount solution, but now can just weld on another block of steel i guess
04:40 PM rue_mohr: OR just weld a threaded nut to it
04:40 PM rifraf: yep
04:40 PM rifraf: needs to be decent mount, will be supporting the air cyulinders
04:40 PM rue_mohr: hmm, yea the resonance on the steel would be worse
04:41 PM rue_mohr: glue a block of rubber to it
04:41 PM rifraf: not planning on much vibration
04:41 PM rifraf: rubber onto the motor mount plate?
04:42 PM rue_mohr: oh, maybe I'm not sure which part your on
04:42 PM rue_mohr: is it just to hold the motor?
04:42 PM rifraf: will make an image, brb
04:42 PM rifraf: motor and assembly to push in drawtube
04:43 PM rue_mohr: aren't you using pneumatic?
04:43 PM rue_mohr: oh, seperate things
04:45 PM rifraf: yep
04:46 PM rifraf: https://imgur.com/a/ShqIsUs
04:46 PM rifraf: green stock getting today, the orange and purple plate i wanna change to 6mm now
04:48 PM rifraf: you can see the orange plate has 1/2 the air cylinder mounts going into, with the cyl stroke not able to mount to the main block only
04:51 PM rifraf: will just weld a 12mm squarebar onto 6mm motor mount plate and should support the cylinders better than the ally would have
04:53 PM rifraf: rue_mohr did you see this these parts with the keyways done? https://imgur.com/a/AFYPRXl
05:05 PM rue_mohr: I wish imugr could just show a person am image without requiring html5
05:05 PM rue_mohr: and https
05:06 PM rue_mohr: and adblockers updated yesterday
05:08 PM rue_mohr: I put a second layer of filler on the 3d print I'm trying finishing work on
05:09 PM rue_mohr: there is a lot more deviation in the surface than I thought
05:09 PM rue_mohr: need to come up with a sock puppet rig (animatronics)
05:09 PM rue_mohr: it shoudln't be hard and I'm faultering
06:06 PM rifraf: wats a better image sharer?
06:08 PM Tom_L: that one works for me
06:08 PM rifraf: guess i should learn how to add to my own site
06:08 PM Tom_L: mine is a local server
06:09 PM Tom_L: so it's pretty easy
06:09 PM rifraf: so its just rues 386 based pc then?
06:09 PM Tom_L: :)
06:10 PM Tom_L: i use winscp to post in windows or just map a drive in linux
06:10 PM rifraf: now to make these hunks of shiny fit together https://imgur.com/a/2W4OmsQ
06:10 PM rifraf: looks like a boring time ahead
06:10 PM rifraf: but beats being at work
06:10 PM Tom_L: lots of chips
06:11 PM Tom_L: what is that about 4" square?
06:11 PM rifraf: yep, went to resign this morning and got layed off instead
06:11 PM rifraf: yep, exactly Tom_L 101.6 x 101.6
06:11 PM Tom_L: you had a good interview the other day though
06:12 PM rifraf: yep, should have paperwork to sign today
06:12 PM rifraf: so have a weeks paid playing ahead, and maybe a few days fisjing
06:12 PM Tom_L: there's a CPRF here that builds custom mobility stuff
06:12 PM Tom_L: cerebral palsy research foundation
06:13 PM Tom_L: iirc that's what you said
06:13 PM rifraf: ok, time to break out the 4 jaw and get the bulk of this hole roughed out
06:14 PM rifraf: yep, definitaly one of the end users tom, they have all sorts off equipment, and want to make new stuff too, so enable full control with say just a chin and tablet
06:14 PM rifraf: told em i cannot program straight up
06:15 PM Tom_L: cnc?
06:15 PM rifraf: well is a small workshop, cnc router, manual lathe
06:15 PM Tom_L: you might fit in good there
06:16 PM rifraf: most stuff just imported, but some customisation done in house
06:16 PM rifraf: it really felt right, can do cad, router, 3d printing, upholstry and a bit of welding and general in and out of goods, like picking etc. seems alot less stressful
06:18 PM Tom_L: what cad are you used to?
06:19 PM rifraf: well this piece will fit the 4jaw but gonna have to be careful, last parts were made from 3"x3" bar
06:19 PM Tom_L: is one end squared off?
06:19 PM rifraf: well this will be solidworks again, has been a few years but looks like pretty much 2D stuff
06:20 PM rifraf: just saw cut, i will do the cleaning and proper dialing in once i have a 60mm+ hole
06:21 PM rifraf: bearings are 80mm
06:21 PM Tom_L: might be to your advantage to flatten an end as a refrerence
06:21 PM rifraf: OD, so still 10mm at the thinnest parts of block
06:22 PM rifraf: Tom_L yep gonna sit and take time with it
06:22 PM rifraf: can't afford failures, and so far have not had an unusable part, touch wood
06:23 PM Tom_L: getting aluminum scrap here is pretty easy but does cost
06:23 PM rue_shop2: A12
06:23 PM rifraf: even the flat bar is not very flat, but can do that much later after welding the base and spindle mount
06:23 PM rifraf: for now bolts used everywhere till it works
06:24 PM rifraf: this not scrap, cut off a 2m length
06:24 PM Tom_L: nice hefty chunk
06:24 PM rifraf: and with the flat bar had to buy 500mm MOQ, so have a bigger offcut again, but will be usefull for milling bits later
06:25 PM rifraf: at least the 4"4" just done by the mm
06:26 PM Tom_L: is A12 the alum grade?
06:26 PM rifraf: they had some 250mm (10") solid roundbar in the despatch waiting for someone to get
06:26 PM Tom_L: we use numbers like 6061 etc
06:26 PM rifraf: 6061
06:26 PM Tom_L: 7075 is alot harder
06:26 PM rifraf: https://actionaluminium.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Solid-Square.pdf
06:26 PM Tom_L: both used in aircraft
06:27 PM rifraf: yep, i just have a small lathe though :)
06:27 PM Tom_L: my kid has been machining some lithium aluminum alloy recently
06:27 PM Tom_L: lighter weight but $$$$$$
06:28 PM Tom_L: and quite corosive
06:28 PM rifraf: always planning on redoing with steel hollow bar for the headstock, but only if required
06:28 PM Tom_L: alum should be find there
06:28 PM rifraf: easier to prototype with big square block
06:30 PM rifraf: hrm, i should even timelapse this job
06:30 PM Tom_L: you muck it up you can always make a turners cube from it
06:31 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/Cube/Turners_cube3.jpg
06:32 PM rifraf: yep, wanna make a nice bronze one when the cnc is done
06:36 PM rue_shop2: A12well jokes on me, after adding a thing to send grbl a reset, it doesn't reset its position
06:36 PM rue_shop2: 18th latch is milling
06:36 PM Tom_L: that's the one with the slot?
06:36 PM rue_shop2: I need to know how to "set the current position, dont care what it is, to where you are at right now"
06:36 PM rue_shop2: yes
06:37 PM rue_shop2: just cutting them out of plate right now
06:38 PM rue_shop2: but I'm using GRBL 0.9j, and I think it doesn't understand G92
06:38 PM Tom_L: G10 L20 X0 Y0
06:38 PM rue_shop2: no
06:38 PM Tom_L: or G10 L2 X0 Y0
06:38 PM rue_shop2: "where you are right now, dont move"
06:38 PM rue_shop2: ?
06:38 PM Tom_L: yes
06:38 PM rue_shop2: hmm
06:38 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/gcode/g-code.html#gcode:g10-l20
06:39 PM rue_shop2: G10L2
06:39 PM rue_shop2:
06:39 PM rue_shop2: Sets the offset for a saved origin using absolute machine coordinates.
06:39 PM rue_shop2: hmmm
06:39 PM Tom_L: i generally use L20
06:40 PM Tom_L: they are similar
06:40 PM rue_shop2: hmm
06:40 PM Tom_L: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/stable/html/gcode/g-code.html#gcode:g10-l2
06:41 PM rue_shop2: yea, I'm wondering if grbl 0.9 supports it
06:41 PM rue_shop2: I have the job running now
06:42 PM rue_shop2: all online docs are for 1.1
06:42 PM rue_shop2: dont want to upgrade just to know if there is support
06:43 PM rue_shop2: I know I have no issues with current version
06:43 PM rue_shop2: there is a lot of bad noise comming out of my rpm sensor
06:43 PM rue_shop2: and its reading all over the place
06:44 PM rue_shop2: have to take it apart after this and see whats up
06:44 PM rue_shop2: should have been fine
06:44 PM Tom_L: https://honingmill.fandom.com/wiki/Configuring_Grbl_v0.9
06:44 PM Tom_L: G54-G59 work coordinates can be changed via the G10 L2 Px or G10 L20 Px command defined by the NIST gcode standard and the EMC2 (linuxcnc.org) standard.
06:44 PM Tom_L: G54 is default
06:47 PM rue_shop2: oh, thankyou
06:48 PM rue_shop2: not sure why I'm not using 1.1, it must have been out for a while
06:59 PM Tom_L: The non-persistent parameters, which will are not retained when reset or power-cycled, are G92,
06:59 PM Tom_L: used but not retained in eeprom
07:01 PM rue_shop2: when I was using a hardware connection I could disconnect/reconnect and it would bump the reset on the controller to zero the position
07:01 PM rue_shop2: but now I'm using the ethernet thing
07:01 PM Tom_L: ahh
07:01 PM rue_shop2: as it turns out ctrl-x (reset) does not clear the positions
07:02 PM Tom_L: always start with a known preamble code
07:02 PM Tom_L: G17 G20 G54 G90 etc
07:02 PM rue_shop2: I'm hand positioning 18 parts on the material
07:03 PM rue_shop2: so when a job finishes , I jog it +-42mm x and 0 or -17mm Y
07:03 PM rue_shop2: thats the new zero
07:16 PM rifraf: i been using G28 with P1 alot to set new positions, for different tool lengths and position
07:16 PM rifraf: like move to your new position and G28 P1 X0 Y0 , makes machine think thats origin, you can make watever you like
07:17 PM rue_shop2: mm
07:17 PM rue_shop2: I dont do calibrated table postions on any of my machines
07:18 PM rue_shop2: I usually have a little printout 1:1 of the part profile with 0x0 marked
07:18 PM rifraf: yep no endstops in use here either
07:18 PM rue_shop2: fit it on the material and set the position to that and zero it
07:18 PM rue_shop2: yea, I should probably do limit alarms
07:19 PM rifraf: yep i have some soft limits set
07:19 PM rue_shop2: I have limit switches, their not hooked back up yet
07:19 PM rue_shop2: I have to redo the machine harness
07:35 PM rifraf: cool me too
07:35 PM rifraf: maybe we can motivate each other
07:36 PM rifraf: got a bunch of aviation plugs, need to get a roll of trailer wire, is 5 or 7 core
07:39 PM rue_shop2: yea, wire was super expensive, I didn't ahve anything suitable for the long runs to the motors
07:39 PM rue_shop2: I'm using a db37
07:40 PM rue_shop2: er, no its a db25
07:40 PM rue_shop2: huh
07:40 PM rue_shop2: must be going for my standard cnc connector
07:41 PM rue_shop2: progress is badly damaged by my book being missing tho
07:42 PM Tom_L: never found it ehh
07:58 PM rifraf: well that sucks, no can hold this 4" block in chuck
07:59 PM rifraf: can do from 40mm to 95mm, then 105 to 170mm, but no hold from 95mm to 105, and i need 101
07:59 PM rifraf: gonna have to use shims
09:21 PM rifraf: ok 32mm through hole done
09:21 PM rifraf: sweaty work
09:23 PM rifraf: over an hour for a hole, i guess nearly 1/2 that was getting it mounted
09:25 PM rifraf: 10mm pilot, then 19, 25 and 32mm
09:27 PM rifraf: newly 3d printed tailstock handle got a great workout
11:20 PM VanUnamed: hey rue_shop2 do u like this laptop
11:20 PM VanUnamed: https://www.ebay.de/itm/405533297028 i like this one
11:53 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, dont you have stepped jaws?
11:53 PM rue_mohr: VanUnamed, doesn't look bad
11:54 PM rue_mohr: not gonna say I'm a fan of intel, but amd hasn't really been going with awesome choices lately
11:54 PM rifraf: rue_mohr yes, but the steps did not allow 4" square stock, had to make 5mm aluminium spacer blocks
11:54 PM rue_mohr: hu?
11:55 PM rue_mohr: use the next step in?
11:55 PM rifraf: an do from 40mm to 95mm, then 105 to 170mm, but no hold from 95mm to 105, and i need 101
11:55 PM rifraf: the steps have a gap
11:55 PM rue_mohr: you cant just bring the jaws out more?
11:55 PM rifraf: only 2 steps, this with jaws flipped around
11:55 PM rifraf: nope
11:56 PM rue_mohr: huh
11:56 PM rifraf: weir4d i know
11:56 PM rifraf: anyways got a 60mm hole in 70mm deep now
11:56 PM rifraf: one end roughed, but hating the boring bit, triangle insert
11:57 PM rifraf: am sure the rhombus spaded one worked way better, but is hiding somewhere
11:58 PM rifraf: boring 1mm at a time takes long time, and is barely doing that with this bit
11:59 PM rifraf: lettin everything including me cool down, stock and lathe too warm, big mess