#garfield Logs
Feb 08 2025
#garfield Calendar
01:30 PM rifraf: keyways day
01:35 PM rue_mohr: hmm, I should have started today by getting the cnc going on another part
01:36 PM rue_mohr: adds a lot of shop noise
01:37 PM rue_mohr: I suspect if I replaced the motor and spindle bearings it would be whisper quiet
01:38 PM rifraf: what you machining that you left running overnight?
01:38 PM rue_mohr: their little latches
01:39 PM rue_mohr: they dont take that long, but that would be 1 more
02:22 PM rue_shop2: rifraf, the jobs take 48 mins
02:22 PM rue_shop2: less if I fixed my feed rates
02:22 PM rue_shop2: and cooled it
02:26 PM rifraf: these for the sprayer units?
02:28 PM rue_shop2: yu
02:28 PM rue_shop2: p
02:30 PM rifraf: cool, can't remember your cnc machine, can i see it in action?
02:34 PM rue_shop2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jBCo70l1A4
02:36 PM rue_shop2: http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/projects/lightCNC/slide.htm
02:41 PM rue_shop2: (the electronics were messed, so I redid)
02:41 PM rue_shop2: I use a serial-over-ip device with it
02:44 PM rue_shop2: I have more rewiring to be done
02:44 PM rue_shop2: I lost that damn book
02:45 PM rue_shop2: or someone stole it
02:45 PM rue_shop2: I ended the robotcs tutoring becasuse the last kid was stealing random stuff
02:45 PM rue_shop2: that was a logn time ago now tho
02:49 PM rifraf: nice work, looks like a good starting point finding that old mill, i love your shed
02:55 PM rifraf: what size spindle on there? 1kw or more?
02:58 PM rue_mohr: it was origionally a cnc
02:58 PM rue_mohr: "light machines"
02:59 PM rue_mohr: hmm,
03:00 PM rue_shop2: 1 HP
03:00 PM rifraf: yep, even usa made
03:00 PM rifraf: 750w ok, that was my first guess
03:00 PM rue_shop2: it was owned by a school
03:00 PM rue_shop2: I think the electronics broke down and they ditched it
03:00 PM rue_shop2: it had some bojangled electronics in it when I got it
03:01 PM rue_shop2: some of it was wired up wrong
03:01 PM rue_shop2: it was at an estate sale _1_ block from my house
03:01 PM rue_shop2: along with 2 other cnc
03:01 PM rue_shop2: (one was 1.2mx1.2m, wood router, the other was a little desktop toy)
03:01 PM rifraf: so pretty cheap i guess, good score
03:03 PM rue_shop2: I couldn't offer them a fair price, but they went with it anyhow
03:03 PM rue_shop2: with the rewire it needed, I'm probably the only person who could have used it
03:04 PM rifraf: indeed
03:05 PM rifraf: you offered $20 and a toasted cheese sandwich?
03:09 PM rue_shop2: no, about $1200
03:22 PM Tom_L: afternoon
03:31 PM rue_mohr: hi
03:40 PM Tom_L: what you workin on today?
03:48 PM rue_shop2: drifting, my general goal is "things that help me understand what life as a robot will be like "
03:49 PM Tom_L: gettin caught up on sprayer parts?
03:56 PM rue_shop2: I'v cut 9 so far
03:57 PM Tom_L: do those coil springs work better than the V?
03:57 PM Tom_L: or have you tried any
04:06 PM rifraf: rue_shop2 guess thats still worth it for all the parts
04:07 PM rifraf: not on the cheap side though
04:08 PM rifraf: Tom_L for a 1/8" 2 flute hss cutter i had to go pretty slow, like 3000rpm to avoid burning out the tool, seem reasonable?
04:09 PM rifraf: am not sure if my 2.2kw spindle gonna like goin so slow with any power
04:09 PM rifraf: last time was 500w spindle
04:10 PM rifraf: and feed rate was really slow, cutting keyway in steel
04:27 PM rue_shop2: Tom_L, the V would break, I'm completely sure of it
05:29 PM rifraf: so much better cutting the steel with 2.2kw instead of 0.5
05:30 PM rifraf: and quiet, running at 4500rpm
05:53 PM rifraf: one part fully complete :) https://imgur.com/a/FOgNDkP
05:53 PM rifraf: need the spring now
05:55 PM aandrew: fancy
06:00 PM rifraf: need to try and ensure the slipring can slip if required, thats my thinkin anyway
06:00 PM rifraf: makin it up as i go
06:17 PM Tom_L: rifraf, depends on the feedrate
06:17 PM Tom_L: chipload is what is important
06:19 PM rifraf: very small chipload currently, just takin ir easy and going 10% quicker each time i make g code, nearly got second keyway done now
06:21 PM Tom_L: i generally try to use carbide cutters so i don't have quite the experience with hss on steel
06:21 PM rifraf: yeah not much here but found these old ones, no bits wrecked today, all going well
06:22 PM Tom_L: you _can_ burn a tool by going too slow too
06:22 PM rifraf: yep,
06:22 PM Tom_L: or end up work hardening the material on things like SS
06:23 PM Tom_L: the slot you cut was in the tube?
06:23 PM rifraf: yes
06:23 PM Tom_L: lookin good so far, hope it works as well
06:23 PM rifraf: not alot of material left, but i think will be enough
06:23 PM rifraf: doing the large tube now
06:24 PM rifraf: needs a wider slot but same depth to suit bigger lock washers
06:25 PM rifraf: feels pretty empowering knowing i can cut keyways easier than on the lathe
06:25 PM rifraf: every week lovin machine more
06:26 PM Tom_L: yup
06:27 PM Tom_L: knowing what your machine can do is impoartant.. when i did my mill it took a while to figure out it's limits
06:33 PM rifraf: yep, will take time, good to be using this old spindle again, it never really got to do work on the router
06:33 PM Tom_L: my kid runs some huge machines and i'm always amazed at some of the feeds he talks about
06:34 PM Tom_L: 174Hp spindles
06:35 PM rifraf: yep, they must be all grown up too now
06:35 PM rifraf: so he followed in some of your footsteps?
06:35 PM Tom_L: as is yours
06:35 PM Tom_L: the younger one is
06:35 PM Tom_L: older one does hvac
06:36 PM rifraf: cool
06:37 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/cincinnati/Cincinnati_7.jpg
06:37 PM Tom_L: that was at his previous job
06:37 PM Tom_L: 3 head gantry 180' long bed
06:43 PM rifraf: nice machine
06:45 PM Tom_L: old
06:46 PM rifraf: well keyway day was a success at 10.30am
06:46 PM Tom_L: sunday right?
06:46 PM rifraf: might have to change it to slipring arm day next, got enough bar for 1 arm at least
06:46 PM Tom_L: hard to keep up with you
06:46 PM rifraf: yep sunday
06:48 PM rifraf: https://imgur.com/a/fOAhHtI
06:48 PM Tom_L: turned out good
06:49 PM rifraf: yep, the faster speeds not quite as clean, but better than doing 2"/min
06:50 PM rifraf: put that job off for days but went way better than expected
07:02 PM rifraf: this would be collet released state, need to imagine a spring https://imgur.com/a/AFYPRXl
08:10 PM rue_mohr: wow looks great rif
08:12 PM rifraf: thanks rue, i am a bit blown away at the success
08:12 PM rifraf: every operation went perfect
08:13 PM rifraf: rue, with the collect locked and prototype, this has all happened in the last week or so
08:13 PM rifraf: https://imgur.com/a/t1od9ZG
08:13 PM rue_mohr: yea!
08:13 PM rifraf: handy having a few sick days
08:16 PM rifraf: hard to stop playing with it, no pun intended, with get headstock block material tomorrow, and most other bearings etc should arrive during next week
08:19 PM rifraf: rue how much do you think 40mm plate is worth a m² ? aluminium, like 6061
08:20 PM rue_mohr: ~$3000.00
08:20 PM rifraf: they want about $580AU for 3 pieces 310mm x 310mm
08:21 PM rifraf: well less than that, about $1600AUD M²
08:21 PM rue_mohr: scrap yards are much cheaper, sometimes they have pieces prettymuch new too
08:21 PM rifraf: way to much, need to cast some thick bolcks, but will need large crucible
08:21 PM rue_mohr: yea
08:22 PM rue_mohr: CO2 fire extinguisher, spun steel
08:22 PM rifraf: usedf a gas botting, got about 8kg per melt
08:22 PM rue_mohr: yea
08:22 PM rifraf: but they wear old, was big spill when it failed
08:22 PM rifraf: wear out*
08:22 PM rue_mohr: yea, check carefully before use
08:22 PM rifraf: yes i am on the tequila
08:22 PM rue_mohr: I whack 'em with a hammer all over to find bad spots
08:23 PM rifraf: yepm we worked out about 8 - 10 uses was safe
08:23 PM rue_mohr: I just weld up the holes
08:23 PM rifraf: heh
08:24 PM rue_mohr: maybe the o2 from the alo2 eats the steel at high temps
08:24 PM rifraf: rue_mohr you don't have any warning for my yet on this collet release, am going fill steam ahead and hope i am finding issues before going to far
08:25 PM rue_mohr: I'd like to know more about auto clutch systems
08:25 PM rifraf: me too
08:25 PM rifraf: an auto clutch seems to work different
08:25 PM rue_mohr: I'm not sure how the bearing works
08:25 PM rifraf: pushing wide plate rather than narrow shaft
08:25 PM rifraf: my bearing?
08:25 PM rue_mohr: auto clutches are a pretty proven design tho
08:25 PM rifraf: yes i wish i could find a good example
08:26 PM rifraf: i am relying on clearances and slipage if required
08:26 PM rue_mohr: yea, the transmisions in the basement are missing the clutch assemblies
08:26 PM rifraf: seems like should work, but 4kg at 3000rpm can tell another story
08:27 PM rifraf: will put on the safety face shield for testing
08:28 PM rifraf: https://www.exedy-aftermarket.com/images/english/material/3_4.jpg
08:29 PM rifraf: pretty much similar concept, i am just using 2 arms for extra force and balanced leverage, even though that example is pretty balanced
08:30 PM rifraf: i have looked at changing design to have a plate that links both arms, but so far looks like more of an obstruction
08:30 PM rifraf: the arms i can gently shape to get curves to match the slip ring
08:32 PM rifraf: how can fricken VPNs be so expensive
08:32 PM rifraf: but they are trying to help me cancel, had to leave no money in bank so auto renewal would fail
08:34 PM rue_shop2: what command sets the current location to 0,0,0?
08:35 PM rue_shop2: cutting latch #12
08:35 PM rifraf: G28?
08:36 PM rifraf: oh no
08:36 PM rifraf: um
08:36 PM rifraf: G54?
08:37 PM rue_shop2: hmm
08:38 PM rifraf: heh, canceled vpn sub. now can renew for 75% less, go figure, i hate subscriptions that auto renew
08:40 PM rue_shop2: their milking customers who have enough money to not notice or care
08:42 PM rifraf: indeed
08:46 PM rifraf: gotta love how a keyway can showcase a nice thread
08:49 PM rue_shop2: :]
09:13 PM Tom_L: https://www.homemadetools.net/forum/collet-closer-71284
09:31 PM rifraf: love it Tom_L, digesting, so they have some sort of slipring as well?
09:36 PM rifraf: so glad i chose 5C now
10:19 PM Tom_L: looks like some sort of thrust bearing arrangement
10:28 PM rue_shop2: yea I cant immediatly see how that works