#garfield Logs

Feb 07 2025

#garfield Calendar

02:08 AM rue_shop2: rifraf, you need to do it in lots of light passes
02:23 AM rue_shop2: oh it fit cool!
02:23 AM rue_shop2: rifraf, the aluminum was just poured in with that ladel
02:23 AM rue_shop2: the one that kept rotting out
02:23 AM rue_shop2: eroding
02:23 AM rue_shop2: whatever
06:07 PM rue_mohr: playing with making a artzy robot head
06:07 PM rue_mohr: I usually go for function, this one is to play with form
06:36 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: I disagree on trudeau -- not that it's his time to go, it most definitely and certainly is, but rather that Trump has more or less handed the Liberals another win
06:37 PM aandrew: Carney has some very serious experience, particularly in finance and international trade. This whole tariff bullshit cost that idiot Poilievere and the Conservatives a 25 point lead... it just evaporated more or less overnight
06:38 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: Trudeau says the threat (annexing Canada) is very real. apparently he's already requested an appointment with NATO over it
06:38 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: I've heard stuff on bondo with 3d printing, haven't tried anything with it myself though
06:39 PM rue_shop2: I got some other stuff
06:39 PM rue_shop2: a tube of "spot filler"
06:39 PM rue_shop2: yea, the takeover has me uneasy
06:41 PM aandrew: I don't think it'll go anywhere. I might be stupid or naive but I do believe that Congress has a line and that would be it
06:41 PM aandrew: and I also have faith that the military wouldn't act on such an order
06:41 PM rue_shop2: I'm being amazed how many stupid people will follow an idiot
06:42 PM rue_shop2: even some not-so-stupid ones
06:42 PM aandrew: what is particlarly worrying for me is that Musk's in the treasury database. that has *nothing* to do with HOW money is spent or WHO authorized it, but has EVERYTHING. That thing is a goldmine for America's enemies and he's got a bunch of fucking 20-somethings stomping around in there
06:43 PM aandrew: I'm positive that none of them have clearance and ALL of them are prime targets for America's enemies
06:43 PM rue_shop2: I'm in canada, so I'm just eating popcorn over that one
06:43 PM rue_shop2: I wonder if he's selling the data cheap to canada
06:44 PM aandrew: doubtful
06:45 PM rue_shop2: drat, I only took my gear library to 20 teeth
06:45 PM aandrew: the fucking clown show ZOMG LOOK AT THIS bullshit that Musk is constantly tweeting is awful. I'm all for taking a microscope to government spending, that is a godo thing, but this isn't that
06:45 PM aandrew: this is just Jerry Springer: Capitol edition
06:48 PM rue_shop2: I'm amused that people are cheering this all on
06:48 PM rue_shop2: talk about unreversable damage
06:49 PM rue_shop2: how do you regenerate private citizen data for everyone in the country
06:55 PM rue_shop2: and fix trade relations
07:14 PM rue_shop2: I'm sure after its all over people will say "it was not rumps fault, it was all going to happen anyhow"
07:14 PM rue_shop2: actually I think I already heard that
07:15 PM aandrew: yep pretty much
07:17 PM rue_shop2: awe, librecad crashed
07:19 PM rue_shop2: oh, no, it was just trying to save a doc with a billion line segments in it
07:20 PM rue_shop2: oops
07:20 PM rue_shop2: shouldn't have killed it
08:26 PM rifraf: just had longest job interview ever, 2.5 hours :/
08:27 PM rue_mohr: oh, changing it up?
08:27 PM rifraf: yeah, current one is gonna drive me insane
08:27 PM rue_mohr: oh, managment or?
08:27 PM rifraf: semi
08:29 PM rifraf: look after a small team, making mobility equipment, assemble equipment, modify, looks like a place to use my skillset well so am happy
08:34 PM rue_shop2: cool
10:06 PM rifraf: got the 1.240x20 thread cut succesfully
10:07 PM rifraf: now the fix the 10° taper end for the 5C collet
10:17 PM rue_shop2: :]
10:17 PM rue_shop2: Tom_L, remember when I got that cnc there was water in the spindle bearings?
10:17 PM rue_shop2: well... I think their starting to have issues
10:19 PM rue_shop2: rifraf, have any simple tools that have changed the scene for you?
10:21 PM Tom_L: i didn't recall that
10:22 PM rue_shop2: mm
10:22 PM rue_shop2: I poured oil thru it for a few days of light running
10:22 PM rue_shop2: till it all seemed to be purged
10:22 PM rue_shop2: and was running clear
10:23 PM Tom_L: hmm, no i don't remember that
10:23 PM rue_shop2: I have a bad problem, the book for it with all the notes dissapeared
10:23 PM Tom_L: where did it go?
10:23 PM rue_shop2: I only kept it in 2 places and its gone, I'v tuned the freaking shop upside down 4 times
10:24 PM Tom_L: maybe it's in the house
10:29 PM Tom_L: stuff like that usually shows up for me a couple weeks after i quit looking
10:29 PM Tom_L: then i go... Oh Yeah!
10:42 PM rue_shop2: G00 X40 Y0
10:42 PM rue_shop2: no, not you
10:44 PM rue_shop2: I forget how to tell is that its current position is 0,0,0
10:46 PM rue_shop2: ugh, the power supply for the jukebox is failing and when the cnc starts up it reboot
10:46 PM rue_shop2: s
10:51 PM rue_shop2: I think I can get 15 latches cut
10:51 PM rue_shop2: in this setup
11:05 PM rifraf: rue_mohr lathe DRO count?
11:05 PM rue_mohr: sure!
11:06 PM rifraf: it changed the machine for sure
11:20 PM rifraf: quick change tool posts and inserts instead of hss
11:20 PM rifraf: because can index the tools reliably
11:20 PM rue_mohr: ah, anything you made?
11:20 PM rifraf: the top tester
11:20 PM rue_mohr: ah yes
11:20 PM rifraf: well yes, my 5 axis cnc, it has changed everything
11:20 PM rifraf: handy have spot welder too
11:20 PM rue_mohr: ohyea
11:20 PM rue_mohr: thats a good one
11:20 PM rue_mohr: yea I was skiping the cnc
11:20 PM rue_mohr: obvious,but not finished yet :]
11:20 PM rifraf: pipe bender, sheet metal brake, automatic hacksaw is a ++, all things i made
11:20 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, news says cuts to medicaid, but that system didn't do anything for anyone anyhow did it?
11:20 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, ah cool, thats a good set!
11:52 PM rue_shop2: guess I should change the power supply in the jukebox AGAIN
11:52 PM rue_shop2: thats like #3