#garfield Logs
Feb 04 2025
#garfield Calendar
09:13 AM rue_mohr: I'm stuck
09:29 AM rue_mohr: it snowed another 6" last night, so we have had about 12" snow now
11:15 AM * Tom_L gives rue_mohr a shovel
11:29 AM rue_mohr: 12" of snow? packed on the roads? give me a catterpillar
11:30 AM rue_mohr: I think I know where there is an abandoned one too
11:40 AM aandrew: rue_mohr: wow you got dumped on eh?
11:40 AM aandrew: of course you know where there's an abandoned caterpillar. My question is why haven't you claimed it yet
11:41 AM aandrew: also that transformer design was flawed due to an early miscalculation I didn't catch
11:45 AM aandrew: PC40 material has Bmax of ~0.45T at 60C, but OD=118mm, ID=80mm, t=20mm gives a cross sectional area of 400mm^2 not 50cm^2 -- I'd need like 5000 turns on the primary to make it work on that core
11:46 AM aandrew: it sounds to me like you got yourself a snow day to play in the shop all day
11:49 AM rue_mohr: what no
11:49 AM rue_mohr: look, use 2 turns/volt and try it
11:49 AM rue_mohr: its laminated iron, right?
11:51 AM aandrew: no, it's PC40 ferrite, if it was laminated iron it'd be a cakewalk. I have to see if I can scrounge a decent power transformer somewhere and wind it
11:51 AM rue_mohr: oh
11:52 AM rue_mohr: ok, so do the saturation test
11:52 AM rue_mohr: where you here when me and polprog were doing transformers?
11:52 AM rue_mohr: you need say a 10 turn test winding on it
11:52 AM rue_mohr: a FET, and a pwm generator
11:53 AM polprog: yep
11:53 AM aandrew: no I don't think I was
11:53 AM polprog: we had a website that estimated mu from the measurements
11:53 AM rue_mohr: say a 12V power source and a dump resistor (higher the wattage the better)
11:53 AM rue_mohr: current sample resistor
11:53 AM rue_mohr: yep, I have a command line utility somewhere
11:53 AM aandrew: yeah I'm just looking at the material datasheet, PC40 has Bmax of about 450mT at 60C but the issue is the frequency (which I knew would be)
11:54 AM rue_mohr: knowing the saturation you can work out for real, what the winding would need to be
11:54 AM rue_mohr: tell me in volt-seconds :]
11:54 AM polprog: i almost forgot everything about that stuff
11:54 AM rue_mohr: me too :]
11:55 AM polprog: https://polprog.net/rozne1/ircjunk/bhtracer.pdf
11:55 AM aandrew: I never knew much about this stuff so you're both ahead of me :-)
11:55 AM polprog: fortunately i made a nice PDF about it ages ago
11:55 AM rue_mohr: zippo:~/alarms# inductor
11:55 AM rue_mohr: You need to know about the paramiter --help.
11:55 AM rue_mohr: zippo:~/alarms# inductor --help
11:55 AM rue_mohr: This program solves constant stuff.
11:55 AM rue_mohr: -h --help is the help your looking at
11:55 AM rue_mohr: -l --inductance set inductance
11:55 AM rue_mohr: -n --turns nuymber of turns
11:55 AM rue_mohr: -k --constant core constant
11:55 AM rue_mohr: gotta love the typo in there too eh?
11:56 AM polprog: i didnt write how to read these curves, but my gut says the larger the area the better?
11:56 AM polprog: By measuring a particular inductor of interest, we can also learn an important parameter of it, which is the saturation
11:56 AM rue_mohr: oh, that one I was using the other way then,
11:56 AM polprog: flux density. We do that simply by reading the B-H (or ๐๐ต/๐๐ก-H) curve and checking at what current the hysteresis
11:56 AM rue_mohr: you want a line, no eye
11:57 AM rue_mohr: an eye in the loop is loss
11:57 AM polprog: ah
11:57 AM aandrew: nuymber lol
11:58 AM rue_mohr: I think I was using a inductance meter to work out the core constant and know how many turns I needed to make a particular size inductor
11:59 AM rue_mohr: hmm, not really thought of a transformer primary as a parallel inductor in terms of reactive impedance
11:59 AM aandrew: might have to go to a couple surplus stores around here and look around, but the websites aren't filling me with hope
11:59 AM rue_mohr: oh
11:59 AM rue_mohr: ok rue, 1kva trasnfromer
11:59 AM aandrew: MOTs aren't iron core are they? IIRC they're fed off an inverter at kHz not just in off the mains?
11:59 AM rue_mohr: wait, 1kva was your goal, right?
12:00 PM rue_mohr: non-inverter MOTs are iron
12:00 PM aandrew: ideally yes, it seemed a decent number to start with
12:00 PM rue_mohr: BUT, a 1kva UPS is also iron
12:00 PM rue_mohr: oh but wait
12:00 PM aandrew: yeah, if I can find a dead UPS around here that'd be ideal
12:00 PM rue_mohr: are you doing the dc-dc->modulate method?
12:00 PM aandrew: actually let me ask the IT guy, I've got him sufficiently curious about my goings-on
12:01 PM aandrew: right now this is just step one: 24VDC PWM'd to 240VAC center-tapped
12:01 PM rue_mohr: if your going dc-dc , modulate, you dont want a toroid anyhow
12:01 PM rue_mohr: you need a gapped inductor for storage
12:02 PM aandrew: eventually I think I want to go 24VDC <-> 400VDC and then a dual H bridge for 240VAC from the 400VDC
12:02 PM rue_mohr: heh, the core from a 1kw computer supply might do, I think their flyback now
12:02 PM aandrew: but starting small, just 24VDC -> 240VAC CT
12:02 PM rue_mohr: hmm
12:02 PM rue_mohr: UPS
12:03 PM rue_mohr: MOTs are a) inefficient b) hard to work with, have magnetic shunts
12:04 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, also ask the maint dept at the hospital about old equipment on the dispose pile that might help out
12:06 PM rue_mohr: any hospital that used trane VFDs probably has a pile of dead ones somehwere
12:11 PM aandrew: yeah I don't want to poke around hospitals here just because I don't want to get too many questions asked. I did ask IT here though and will take a quick look at the nearby staples e-waste bins. I find the people working there typically don't give a shit if something walks off from there
12:11 PM aandrew: you'd figure for a company literally making megawatt-level power generation equipment that we'd be tripping over high power magnetic building blocks and miles of magnet wire but noooooo
12:12 PM rue_mohr: huh
12:13 PM rue_mohr: you dont have to poke around a hospital
12:13 PM rue_mohr: go to front desk, ask to see the maintenance manager
12:14 PM rue_mohr: get lost for 5 minutes thru strange corridors, and have someone say "right there" behind you when you finally give up
12:14 PM polprog: heh
12:14 PM polprog: i should see around the trash at my company
12:15 PM polprog: but we never finish projects, so cant really write anything off the inventory
12:15 PM rue_mohr: "Hi I'm doing a home project and would like to scrounge some particular stuff if you happen to have it, could I talk to one of your electricians?"
12:15 PM polprog: poland has some idiotic recycling laws
12:16 PM polprog: a company cannot just give you away trash, once its trashed it has to be taken by a certified recycler
12:16 PM rue_mohr: yea, here, if it hits the recycler, its gone
12:16 PM polprog: so you just take it out of the trash, it is technically stealing, but you need to know when its allowed
12:16 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: yeah a little social engineering and confidence gets far. I've done that in the past
12:16 PM aandrew: it's more about the annoyance factor of driving to these places, parking and spending time faffing about trying to get to the right person
12:17 PM rue_mohr: front desk -> maintenance manager -> electrician
12:17 PM rue_mohr: front desk -> maintenance (FMO) manager -> electrician
12:17 PM rue_mohr: the maintenance manager might even know
12:18 PM rue_mohr: hospitals get rid of TONNES of WORKING stuff becasue its not maintainable anymore
12:18 PM rue_mohr: or you cant get the consumables for it
12:19 PM rue_mohr: or someone changed their mind and replaced it with some other stupid thign
12:19 PM rue_mohr: or it was a spare for equipment that went out of service
12:19 PM rue_mohr: or windows 11 happens
12:20 PM polprog: be sure not to get hit with a hippo violation
12:20 PM rue_mohr: "but we just got those computers 6 months ago..."
12:21 PM rue_mohr: I'm curious how it will change when rump starts a territory war with canada
12:22 PM rue_mohr: I'm quite sure he will escelate up to a full on raw with the usa
12:22 PM rue_mohr: I'm not sure if the us army will fully participate
12:23 PM rue_mohr: how to make canada resent every bit of help we ever gave to the us
12:27 PM aandrew: yeah the saber rattling was probably one of the dumber ways to go
12:29 PM rue_mohr: seems the computer that sits in the little shed outside and does thermal monitoring isn't responding
12:30 PM rue_mohr: rupms progress on terrorizing the USA is progressing so much faster than I ever expected
12:31 PM rue_mohr: at this rate I dont think it will take even 6 mo for him to shut down the entire country
12:37 PM rue_mohr: wow, look at that usd tank!
12:37 PM rue_mohr: his plan is working great
12:39 PM rue_mohr: oh, but bitcoin is falling too
12:39 PM rue_mohr: hows that gonna work
12:39 PM rue_mohr: if they both collapse, he will have nowhere to jump to
12:41 PM rue_mohr: I think rump is inadvertantly banking on the assumption that he cannot break the USA, but he can...
12:44 PM aandrew: yeah I have no idea
06:52 PM rue_mohr: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gip93H2bQAAjF75?format=jpg&name=small
07:11 PM aandrew: what on god's green earth are you doing
07:21 PM rue_shop2: :]
07:40 PM rue_shop2: bleck, its all pastel colours
07:45 PM rifraf: got my major machining done rue, just easy stuff now, and the actual headstock that i don't have yet. bit of 4" x 4" solid square
07:45 PM rifraf: the line boring took soo long, but ended up nice fits
07:45 PM rue_shop2: wish I could get myself to do things
07:48 PM rifraf: i need to go buy a collet set. only about $30 more at local machine shop
07:50 PM rifraf: so can take em back if tolerance not up to standard, and am imperial set is cheaper and will hold all my brass and some aluminium stock
07:50 PM rifraf: just 17 collets instead of the metric 26 i think
07:53 PM rue_mohr: ok
07:55 PM rifraf: do you wanna make an MT4 bar feeder for your lathe?
07:55 PM rifraf: yjrm you eon't need to biuld headstock
07:55 PM rifraf: then
07:56 PM rue_mohr: yes, but I have not been able to get myself to work on anything
07:57 PM rue_mohr: I need to assemble an order of 4 paint sprayers and its not happening for me
07:57 PM * rifraf caresses bits of machined metal, nice, so nice though
07:57 PM rifraf: you were makin plenty of thuff the other day
07:57 PM rifraf: electronics and things
07:57 PM rue_mohr: ? not really
07:58 PM rue_mohr: I'm pushing hard and barely doing anything
07:58 PM rue_mohr: I designed a pcb
07:58 PM rifraf: wanna see some pics of shiny metal?
07:59 PM rue_mohr: yes pls, all the inspiration I can get is great
07:59 PM rifraf: ok will take me a few min
08:01 PM rue_mohr: its ok, I'm scrolling thru aliepxress and waiting for supper to cook
08:04 PM rue_mohr: aliexpress.com/item/1005006962951953.html
08:04 PM rue_mohr: less the lack of anywhere for the heat to go, thats not bad..
08:05 PM rue_mohr: those are almost 1w reguators
08:05 PM rue_mohr: so
08:07 PM rue_mohr: about 100mA total from either 5 or 3.3V output before it blows up at 12V
08:08 PM rue_mohr: they say 800mA, at which the 5V regulator would be pushing 5.6w
08:08 PM rue_mohr: and that would definitly unsolder it
08:09 PM rue_mohr: I wonder who designs this stuff
08:12 PM rue_mohr: I'm not sure why I'm intersted in buying supplies, I'm not making anythin...
08:15 PM rifraf: make a spinning top, or pen
08:15 PM rifraf: i am having more fun makin machines to make them
08:15 PM rue_mohr: hmm
08:16 PM rifraf: but got new supplies of brass the other day to start makin them again, am out of work for a bit
08:16 PM rifraf: so will be making lotsa stuff
08:16 PM rue_mohr: not cheap eh?
08:17 PM rifraf: i spent like $500, and was 2 handfuls of brass and bronze
08:17 PM rifraf: can tell you what its worth if you wanna compare CA prices
08:17 PM rifraf: the 1 1/4" bars of bronze and brass would be interesting to compare
08:25 PM rifraf: https://imgur.com/a/eQoCBZR
08:26 PM rifraf: https://imgur.com/a/gVCrWbm
08:27 PM rifraf: can you see these links ok? no edit image or stuff on your screen?
08:27 PM rue_mohr: I think trump started a war but inadvertently
08:27 PM rue_mohr: I think its a "were not actually your bitch" war...
08:28 PM rifraf: https://imgur.com/a/74QYajT
08:29 PM rifraf: all these parts are pretty much too big to be made on my lathe
08:29 PM rifraf: you know what i am working with
08:31 PM rifraf: collet holder waiting to a collet to test fir https://imgur.com/a/QFQD6wR
08:32 PM rue_mohr: hmm
08:32 PM rifraf: have more if you want detail of anything, but next is make a cutout to accept the bushing and it should slide nice
08:36 PM rifraf: had to linebore 170mm hole, was so handy having the bits to do it onhand
08:41 PM Tom_L: good stuff
08:44 PM Tom_L: i kinda agree with making the machines is more fun than using em
08:44 PM rue_mohr: hehe
08:45 PM rue_mohr: I got 3 cnc machines sitting idle
08:45 PM rue_mohr: :(
08:45 PM rue_mohr: and 5 3d printers
08:45 PM Tom_L: they could be busy
08:45 PM rue_mohr: :)
08:45 PM rue_mohr: there must be a way to do a via in the middle of a route in kicad
08:47 PM rifraf: so far 2.7kg of stuff that gonna be spinning around 2500rpm
08:47 PM rifraf: but only really a few washers, nut, collet and spring to add to the spinning stuffs
08:48 PM rifraf: i need to print some stuff now
08:48 PM rifraf: broke tailstock handle on lathe today
08:49 PM rifraf: was 3D printed but going on 3 years old, dropping it didn't help
08:49 PM rifraf: with the tailstock on top :)
08:49 PM rue_mohr: :]
08:49 PM rue_mohr: wonder if suppers cooked
08:49 PM rifraf: should be
08:50 PM rifraf: unless you making 24 hour stew
08:51 PM Tom_L: keep the pics comin so at least one of us can say we're doing something :)
08:51 PM rifraf: heh
08:52 PM rifraf: i am trying to inprire at least one of you to try and make something
08:52 PM Tom_L: i did up my mill with scrap metal and hand tools
08:52 PM Tom_L: the mill works but it's too cold out there to make anything
08:52 PM rifraf: so far about $70 of hollow bar and 40 hours on the little lathe
08:53 PM rifraf: i dunno, just waking up too early to getting on the machine
08:53 PM rifraf: picked up the big stock monday to doin ok
08:53 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Assembly/Final/chip_guards/Chip_guard4.jpg
08:53 PM Tom_L: dunno if you ever saw it
08:53 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Assembly/Final/chip_guards/Chip_guard5.jpg
08:54 PM rifraf: yeah, was gonna so you made that some timw ok
08:54 PM rifraf: am gonna make a new frame for CNC one i get all these addons made, its been good to use it to see where the mess ends up, will have a few trays to catch most mess
08:55 PM rifraf: omg, scuse me gramma and speelin, drunk at lunchtime, been up since 2am though
08:58 PM rifraf: the old 4 jaw chuck been gettin a workout
09:01 PM rifraf: Tom_L the chip guard is missing an important part
09:02 PM Tom_L: ?
09:02 PM rifraf: chips, way too clean
09:03 PM Tom_L: that was when i first made em i
09:03 PM Tom_L: 'm sure
09:03 PM Tom_L: have more than one set for different things
09:03 PM rifraf: okie dokie
09:04 PM Tom_L: even so, it isn't used hard
09:04 PM rifraf: does much go straight up and escape?
09:04 PM Tom_L: not that much
09:04 PM Tom_L: some gets out the back but i expected that
09:05 PM Tom_L: those parts are thin in case they get caught they'll spring out of the way
09:05 PM rifraf: i will make a lift up front/top when i make next frame
09:06 PM Tom_L: i originally just had screws holding them but it would crack at the heads so i made the brackets to spread the pressure
09:06 PM rifraf: so you have a stepper motor belt driving your spindle and then a separate encoder connected with belt to stepper?
09:06 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Assembly/Final/chip_guards/Chip_guard2.jpg
09:07 PM Tom_L: spindle motor is BLDC
09:07 PM Tom_L: the encoder is a 1:1 off the spindle
09:07 PM rifraf: ah ok, that would be faster
09:07 PM rifraf: cool
09:07 PM Tom_L: 5500rpm
09:07 PM Tom_L: not one of those zillion rpm ones
09:08 PM Tom_L: bottom end torque
09:08 PM rifraf: i have my 2.2kw spindle on the little cnc now
09:08 PM Tom_L: 1.2kw? iirc
09:08 PM Tom_L: i did up a rotary head for it
09:08 PM rifraf: 24000rpm, have not used it yet but have a few keyways to cut for lock washers so will soon
09:09 PM rifraf: was off my old large cnc machine that i spripped when i moved years ago
09:09 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/rotary/Rotary1.jpg
09:09 PM Tom_L: it's got a stepper on it now
09:10 PM rifraf: yep nice toy, you buy it as complete unit?
09:10 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/rotary/mount/Rotary_mount12.jpg
09:10 PM Tom_L: yeah from chinaco
09:10 PM rifraf: thats one thing missing from mt 5 axis machine
09:11 PM rifraf: but never needed it yet, lookin forward to doing some more milling though, still wanna make the injection moulding machine
09:12 PM Tom_L: did some molds for rue to practice with his
09:12 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/reindeer/reindeer14.jpg
09:13 PM rifraf: updated plansย for the clamp mechanism the other day, lots of 25mm steel plate to weld up, doubt my welder can do it
09:13 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/reindeer/mold/Reindeer_mold13.jpg
09:13 PM rifraf: seriously? who has in injection molder already?
09:13 PM Tom_L: rue tried
09:13 PM rifraf: i wanna see more
09:13 PM rifraf: cool, i wanna know where he failed
09:14 PM Tom_L: temp control
09:14 PM rifraf: so i can adjust my plans,
09:14 PM rifraf: ok, planning on 3 temp sensors/ heaters for the melting
09:14 PM Tom_L: rue_mohr, where's your deer plastic?
09:14 PM rifraf: i wanna see lots more
09:14 PM Tom_L: he tried pla and that may not be the answer
09:15 PM rue_mohr: deer?
09:15 PM Tom_L: i did some alum casting molds for him too
09:15 PM rue_mohr: oh it was pla
09:15 PM rue_mohr: that SO didn't work
09:15 PM Tom_L: i showed him the mold
09:15 PM rifraf: i wanna try milk bottles tyo start, made a shredder that shreds em up nice
09:15 PM rifraf: cool Tom_L i should get to to start on some molds for me
09:15 PM rifraf: i need to cast some 50mm think plates
09:16 PM rifraf: but without all the gear i will buy precut plate and do on the cnc
09:17 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/Can_Holder/A3/Mold13.jpg
09:17 PM Tom_L: trigger finger
09:17 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/Can_Holder/A3/Mold_Rev2/Final_mold4.jpg
09:17 PM rifraf: where is the machine rue_shop2?
09:17 PM Tom_L: for aluminum
09:18 PM Tom_L: he welded that to some pliers to make batch runs
09:18 PM rifraf: that steel tom? g250
09:18 PM Tom_L: yes
09:18 PM rifraf: very cool
09:19 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/Can_Holder/A3/A3_batch/Batch8.jpg
09:19 PM Tom_L: i milled a few for him first
09:19 PM rifraf: ok might go cut out this bushing hole, then just have to wait for more parts
09:20 PM rifraf: cool, did they cast well with the ally?
09:20 PM Tom_L: seemed to
09:20 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/rue/Can_Holder/A3/A3_fixture.jpg
09:20 PM Tom_L: i use soft jaws alot
09:20 PM rifraf: rue_mohr where are you? supper i think
09:21 PM rifraf: bottom arcs are not tangent to the circles :/
10:43 PM rue_mohr: oh sorry
10:43 PM rue_mohr: I'm just being sad
10:44 PM rue_mohr: arcs? tangent?
10:44 PM rue_mohr: what did I miss?
10:44 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, which machine?
10:44 PM rue_mohr: oh yea, I use pliers and a ladel
10:45 PM rue_mohr: I always miss everyone
10:45 PM rue_mohr: damn
10:49 PM rue_mohr: I got a python program going to control the servos on tiptoes, there, but then I tried to do the serial over an RF link and stripped out a motor
10:50 PM rue_mohr: I dont think they go to 9600, maybe just 2400
10:50 PM rue_mohr: or 1200
10:51 PM rifraf: bushing installed perfectly
10:51 PM rue_mohr: ah good
10:51 PM rifraf: because of a design feature i need to be able to remove it with the draw tube
10:52 PM rifraf: it not a rotational bush, just the keep bar in alignment
10:52 PM rue_mohr: you know how I hated those people who never built anything cause they didn't feel that it could be done properly?
10:52 PM rue_mohr: well I been falling into that in a way
10:53 PM rifraf: do you think i am not doing things properly?
10:53 PM rue_mohr: I'm finding myself trapped in indescision of which way is the best to use on a project
10:53 PM rue_mohr: and I dont get the projects done
10:53 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, your doing great
10:53 PM rifraf: i like to make the hard parts first, which was done today
10:53 PM rue_mohr: I cant focus lately
10:54 PM rifraf: now i can justify things like the collets
10:54 PM rue_mohr: latley is like the last 3 years
10:54 PM rue_mohr: I'm having a really hard time working alone
10:54 PM rue_mohr: and I dont understand it
10:54 PM rue_mohr: I'v been alone prettymuch my whole life
10:54 PM rue_mohr: even before I did electronics
10:55 PM rifraf: rue this mechanism is getting better and better, cannot believe the fit on every part, i thought the 5C taper might not be enough but will see
10:55 PM rue_mohr: :]
10:55 PM rifraf: have material left to recut taper when collets arrive
10:55 PM rifraf: or maybe i will be get then in the morning
10:55 PM rue_mohr: I seem to be doing a fine job of making circuit boards
10:56 PM rue_mohr: should etch a few of my own this year
10:56 PM rifraf: i havn't made pcb for some time, last ones still not solded up
10:56 PM rue_mohr: I always get the urge when its freezing weather out
10:56 PM rue_mohr: mm
10:56 PM rifraf: bldc drivers with encoder
10:56 PM rue_mohr: cool
10:57 PM rifraf: i love how nearly every project i machine is the best one yet
10:57 PM rue_mohr: :]
10:57 PM rifraf: like the parts are fitting better and better, and looking better each time
10:57 PM rifraf: you see some pics earlier?
10:57 PM rue_mohr: I'm supposed to have my cnc pumping out a bunch of latch handles
10:58 PM rue_mohr: I did get the new waste block leveled
10:58 PM rifraf: rue what are the handles for that you made the steel casting mold for?
10:58 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, I id
10:58 PM rue_mohr: did
10:59 PM rifraf: that 25mm long bronze bushing is installed now, and can get it out when needed easy
10:59 PM rue_mohr: I'm headed to bed, please keep me updated
10:59 PM rifraf: i have updated you
10:59 PM rue_mohr: yea, but...
10:59 PM rue_mohr: yea
11:00 PM rue_mohr: gnight rif
11:00 PM rifraf: now i need some parts, but can getcollets tommow, will be good next step
11:00 PM rifraf: nite
11:54 PM rifraf: https://imgur.com/a/RunUNjg