#garfield Logs

Jan 23 2025

#garfield Calendar

07:37 AM rue_mohr: https://infosec.exchange/@RueNahcMohr/113875301307416502 < rifraf
01:13 PM rifraf: neat rue, right side motor not working properly, but nice tiptoes dance
02:24 PM aandrew: yeah I thought that was pretty cool
08:08 PM rue_mohr: not working at all, its not hooked up
08:08 PM rue_mohr: it was a test run with a 2 axis joystic
10:20 PM rue_mohr: well, I wrote code to measure pwm duty cycle for the 8051
10:21 PM rue_mohr: I suppose I could push the result to a port
10:21 PM rue_mohr: or port the i2c libary
10:21 PM rue_mohr: and an LCD libary
10:22 PM rifraf: you ancient soul, are they still made?
10:24 PM rifraf: rue_mohr i don't think i mentioned the 5C collet in here, you know em?
10:25 PM rifraf: sm redesigning around it, much bigger through hole collet system to work with
10:25 PM rue_mohr: oh you dont now
10:25 PM rifraf: can do 13mm + i think
10:25 PM rue_mohr: I got some e-waste from work
10:25 PM rue_mohr: over 40 8051s
10:25 PM rifraf: from the 1980s?
10:25 PM rue_mohr: so I designed up a board to use them with external memory
10:25 PM rifraf: my goodness
10:26 PM rue_mohr: I have controllers for almost 50c ea
10:26 PM rifraf: can imagine
10:28 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/tempimage/p1330567.jpg
10:28 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/tempimage/p1330565.jpg
10:28 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/%7Eircjunk/tempimage/p1330563.jpg
10:31 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330232.jpg
10:31 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330242.jpg
10:31 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1330266.jpg
10:32 PM rue_mohr: as the solder to be done approaches infinity, the fun approaches 0
10:54 PM aandrew: man that's a lot of 8051s
10:57 PM rifraf: you sure have done alot of work too, selling them?
11:02 PM aandrew: I bet he's got a project for every one of them just waiting for the boards to be done
11:07 PM aandrew: personally i am not a fan of the 8051; difficult to debug, the memory is a pain to use, limited resources on the chip, not really power efficient if that's important, but I cannot argue with the excellent standard MCU board he's created to utilize the seemingly infinite supply of 8051s and (E)EPROMs he's got :-)