#garfield Logs

Jan 18 2025

#garfield Calendar

12:55 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: I gave some examples on using .stignore and provided a link to the full filetree -- I think you can use those to pick and choose whatever you like but if you have specific questions I'm happy to help
01:10 PM rue_mohr: ah ok
01:10 PM rue_mohr: have you ever seen a baseball cap with a removable visor?
01:10 PM aandrew: my potato soup napalm burn is pretty much fine except for the worst part on my finger. it kind of looks like I have some kind of tiger stripe tattoo on my arm
01:10 PM aandrew: ... no?
01:39 PM rue_mohr: huh
01:40 PM rue_mohr: they make brimless baseball caps, but I only found one, "docker cap" seems to be the next closest
01:47 PM aandrew: what is the point of a brimless baseball cap?
01:49 PM rue_mohr: detachable brim
01:49 PM rue_mohr: for when you have your head in a small space and you need to whip it off for a min
01:49 PM rue_mohr: rather than trying to take off a whole hat
02:59 PM aandrew: that's a fairly unique problem I think. why not just remove the hat?
03:01 PM rue_shop2: tight spaces where you can barely grab the thing in the first place
03:01 PM rue_shop2: I'v had two problems with hats
03:02 PM rue_shop2: jabbing my head into sharp things sticking down from the cieling and the brim getting in the way at awkward times
05:56 PM rifraf: rue_mohr got plans for a small pneumatic bar feeder, with my current setup will only be able to feed upto 1/4" but can upgrade to a 1/2" bar version if prototype works
05:57 PM rifraf: 1/4" bar still useful to make a few parts
05:57 PM rifraf: can you believe all brass and bronze stock i get over here is still in imperial sizes
05:58 PM rue_mohr: :]
05:59 PM rifraf: your lathe have a morse taper if you take off the chuck?
06:00 PM rue_mohr: it does
06:00 PM rifraf: should have for turning between centres
06:00 PM rue_mohr: I been pondering collettes
06:00 PM rifraf: ok then look at these,  https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002108348638.html
06:01 PM rifraf: and make a pneumatic actuator to control drawbar, still drawing plans
06:01 PM rue_mohr: ooo they did something to chatgpt
06:01 PM rifraf: a few more p
06:02 PM rifraf: couple more pneumatics actuators to graba nd move a bar controlled with spare i/o and it can happen
06:03 PM rue_mohr: :]
06:03 PM rifraf: done all this when i was makin robots, have alot of parts, you think we can releace a taper chuck with enough leverage on a air cylinder
06:04 PM rifraf: gonna make mt2 version to start, but mt4 version seems the ultimate
06:12 PM rue_mohr: rifraf, how many laundro mats there have people who will do your washing for you?
06:17 PM rifraf: not sure, i think most do offer some kind of service if you arrange it with the management
06:19 PM * rifraf just dug out 4 way air controller, even has arduino breadboarded and ready to reprogram, knew i would use this again one day
06:21 PM rifraf: haha my fav old IRF1404 breadboarded as switches to drive the valves
06:25 PM rue_mohr: still have your 1404 H bridge
06:26 PM rue_mohr: and the quad servo driver
06:26 PM rue_mohr: and tiptoes
06:26 PM rifraf: same, and a bunch of rs232 drivers
06:26 PM rue_mohr: heh yea
06:27 PM rue_mohr: things that didn't age well
06:27 PM rifraf: heh
06:28 PM rifraf: so can we unlock a locked morse taper with a pneumatic cylinder or solenoid
06:28 PM rue_mohr: need to be able to connect the back to a pipe down the inside
06:28 PM rue_mohr: to pull it
06:29 PM rifraf: got a 100mm stroke cylinder, only need to move 5mm, so can make a good lever
06:29 PM Tom_L: vertical locks hard horizontal hold not so good
06:29 PM Tom_L: mt
06:29 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L, your the only one who knows, can you say more on that?
06:29 PM Tom_L: typically drawbars have cupped springs for release
06:30 PM rue_mohr: how does vert lock work?
06:30 PM Tom_L: mt2-3 are for vertical use not horizontal holding
06:30 PM Tom_L: friction
06:30 PM rue_mohr: (I have to do things, bbl)
06:30 PM rue_mohr: ah
06:30 PM Tom_L: things trumps Tom_L
06:30 PM Tom_L: bye
06:30 PM rue_mohr: no I'll come back,
06:31 PM rifraf: hrm, my lathe is all mt2 and mt3 and horizontal
06:31 PM rifraf: and made new cnc same
06:31 PM rue_mohr: what is the taper they use in colette chuck lathes tho?
06:31 PM Tom_L: but the lathe uses them horizontal
06:31 PM Tom_L: which is ok
06:31 PM Tom_L: side force they won't hold squat
06:32 PM rifraf: do you ikw those collet chucks i showed before?
06:32 PM Tom_L: unless the lathe is set for collets in the tailstock mt2-3 usually
06:32 PM Tom_L: i likely missed that, haven't been around much today
06:32 PM rifraf: my lathe is also meant to have an mt3 in headstock for turning between centres Tom_L
06:33 PM Tom_L: so is mine
06:33 PM Tom_L: mt2 iirc though
06:33 PM rifraf: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002108348638.html
06:33 PM Tom_L: i pop a drill chuck in it sometimes
06:33 PM rue_mohr: is it hard to find coletts that take a hollow draw bar?
06:33 PM rifraf: Tom_L and gonna make  a bar feeder using some of them
06:33 PM Tom_L: hope they release ok
06:33 PM rifraf: i am making the hollow barbar
06:34 PM Tom_L: sometimes it takes a pretty good whack to release those
06:34 PM rifraf: drawbar even, not a sheep
06:34 PM Tom_L: r8 are better
06:34 PM rue_mohr: but you would have to bore out the collette
06:34 PM Tom_L: but you got what you got
06:34 PM rifraf: Tom_L yep, thinking about ways to whack also
06:34 PM rue_mohr: so R8 with hollow draw bar
06:35 PM rue_mohr: damn, I think I passed up parts from a machine with an auto stock feeder and collet set
06:35 PM rifraf: rue_mohr collets already bored out to size of the stock i believe
06:35 PM rue_mohr: yea, you need the draw bar to be bigger tho
06:35 PM rue_mohr: the stock has to fit down the draw bar
06:36 PM rifraf: rue_mohr yep
06:36 PM rifraf: thats why my stock limir will be 1/4" for now
06:36 PM Tom_L: google belleville spring and you'll see what they use for drawbar release
06:36 PM Tom_L: stacked
06:36 PM rifraf: but with MT4 can do 1/2" I believe
06:37 PM Tom_L: https://www.ricocnc.com/products/249-Germany-Mubea-Disc-Spring-Belleville-Spring-Washer-for-CNC-Machine-Spindles-Drawbars.html
06:37 PM Tom_L: concave washers
06:38 PM rifraf: interesting
06:38 PM Tom_L: common in pneumatic drawbars
06:39 PM rifraf: cheers, will get a few to try
06:39 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_Xqv49Wp1E
06:40 PM Tom_L: those are R8 i think
06:42 PM Tom_L: haha i have that cheap touch probe
07:45 PM Tom_L: repeatable to 0.0001"
07:48 PM rue_mohr: I like your trick of having the machine make known-position pocket that the parts goes in to position it
07:49 PM rue_mohr: wait, is that the same brand cnc as mine?
07:49 PM rue_mohr: damn
07:49 PM rue_mohr: and the control box is moved to the side like I did
07:51 PM Tom_L: you talkin about machining soft jaws?
07:51 PM rue_mohr: no, the sacraficial material
07:51 PM rue_mohr: so
07:52 PM Tom_L: oh
07:52 PM rue_mohr: now when I mill out the holes in gears
07:52 PM Tom_L: so i can run 4-5 parts off the same X0Y0 on the plate
07:52 PM rue_mohr: I make a pocket that fits the gear
07:52 PM rue_mohr: then run another job to open the hole
07:53 PM Tom_L: and drill a few extra hold down holes/pins for particular parts aside from the hole grid
07:54 PM Tom_L: kid is getting yet another cnc added to his work cell
07:54 PM Tom_L: brings the count up to 6
07:54 PM Tom_L: first in the world for that brand
07:54 PM Tom_L: it's still in japan but ordered
07:54 PM rue_mohr: sounds like debug nightmare
07:55 PM Tom_L: the pallet system is being updated to 24? pallets too
07:55 PM Tom_L: you schedule the pallet for a particular machine
07:55 PM Tom_L: it has a few smarts to it
07:55 PM Tom_L: knowing if the machine has the right tools in the carriage etc
07:55 PM rue_mohr: I would hope so
07:56 PM rue_mohr: setup must be complex
07:56 PM rue_mohr: unless its all the same part
07:56 PM Tom_L: not as bad as you might think
07:56 PM rue_mohr: but bits
07:56 PM Tom_L: the pallets have hole grids you align blocks to acording to the program
07:57 PM Tom_L: the parts are big enough they seldom run multiple parts on a pallet
07:57 PM rue_mohr: yea his cnc is the same series as mine
07:57 PM Tom_L: in the video?
07:57 PM rue_mohr: yea
07:57 PM rue_mohr: the machine he's modifying
07:57 PM Tom_L: those bellville springs take quite a bit to close em
07:58 PM Tom_L: they need alot of holding force for the collets
07:58 PM Tom_L: some bigger machines will have maybe 10 stacked
07:58 PM rue_mohr: oh but wait, he's not doing a feeding collette
07:59 PM rue_mohr: dear god, the box he has it in is HUGE
08:01 PM rue_mohr: that seems to be the one designed for a tool changer tho
08:01 PM rifraf: got some of the thinnest washers
08:01 PM Tom_L: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KaNF0IshBI
08:01 PM rue_mohr: mine is the other model, the spindle is cut differently
08:01 PM Tom_L: another similar
08:02 PM rue_mohr: that ones not like mine tho
08:02 PM rue_mohr: my machine has that epoxy-granite frame
08:03 PM Tom_L: better than mine
08:04 PM Tom_L: rifraf, you run machines for work as well?
08:04 PM Tom_L: i thought i recalled you mentioning that some time back
08:06 PM rue_mohr: I think the guy in that last vid is a bit of a twat
08:06 PM Tom_L: i didn't watch it
08:10 PM rue_mohr: gonna he hell for him to change collets tho
08:10 PM rue_mohr: hah yea he just said
08:10 PM rue_mohr: it
08:11 PM rue_mohr: 2nd time in the video he just poured money on a problem
08:24 PM rifraf: rue work is alot of welders and grinders going all day
08:25 PM rifraf: have a plasma press cropper etc, all fabbing stuff
08:25 PM rue_mohr: :]
08:26 PM rifraf: i don't use any of it
08:27 PM rifraf: also powdercoating, i might use that some time
08:27 PM rifraf: trying to design a new frame for me cnc today, and the bar feeder
08:28 PM rifraf: time to make it sturdier, and might fill the 50x5 shs with cement
08:28 PM Tom_L: epoxy granite
08:29 PM rue_mohr: yea
08:29 PM rifraf: yeah just played with epoxy for the elecro vice
08:29 PM rue_mohr: the thing is heavy as #$%@$^#
08:29 PM rifraf: almost made a big mess
08:31 PM rifraf: at some point i plugged in the vice after pouring the epoxy, so it heated up on top of the epoxy heat, and my hot glue supports all started to melt
08:32 PM rifraf: thank goodness i had a box full of rags to use over the next few hours, managed to save enough, at the beginning i though gee i have alot of left over resin, all got used :)
08:35 PM rifraf: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004389708598.html one of them, like a 16D should grab a bar ok between 6 and 12 mm od ya think?
08:36 PM rifraf: single acting should work and save a port
08:37 PM Tom_L: 16D is likely the max opening
08:37 PM rifraf: D is double acting, and yep
08:38 PM Tom_L: you gonna add springs etc to reopen it?
08:38 PM rifraf: can make jaws to suit from 6 to 12mm stock
08:38 PM rifraf: single acting would have spring in built
08:38 PM Tom_L: i'm not familiar with those or how they work
08:39 PM Tom_L: i've seen grippers though
08:39 PM rifraf: but can add easy f required more force, gonna be using thos washers you spoke of, can experiment with qty
08:39 PM Tom_L: you making 2 different things?
08:39 PM Tom_L: collet closer and material gripper?
08:40 PM rifraf: just a simple sliding mech. is double acting you need to use 2 ports, for single is spring return
08:40 PM rifraf: Tom_L making an auto bar feeder
08:40 PM Tom_L: how will the belleville springs help with that?
08:40 PM rifraf: without involving me tailstock
08:41 PM Tom_L: those are mostly intended for collet closers with a short stroke
08:41 PM Tom_L: not saying you can't use them for something else...
08:41 PM rifraf: Tom_L not sure, never used, i am hoping to keep the chuck in a locked position as default, then i will use other method to push/release the workpeice from chuck
08:42 PM rifraf: lol naysayer
08:42 PM Tom_L: the the belleville washers have pretty strong holding force
08:42 PM Tom_L: is why they use them there
08:43 PM rifraf: is all good, i don't wonder about what may be, just make and remake as required, i think me plan will work
08:43 PM Tom_L: so you use braincad
08:43 PM rifraf: yep i could see that 1.5mm sping washers would take lots of force, amd hoping that at 0.4mm i can use for a return mechanism
08:44 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/Column_Mill_VMC.jpg
08:45 PM Tom_L: i did my whole cnc in cad before i built it
08:45 PM rifraf: yep i am in cad today alot
08:45 PM Tom_L: turned out ok for nothing but hand tools etc to build it
08:48 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/Mill_Steel/Assembly/Final/Z-Riser_blocks.jpg
08:48 PM Tom_L: did add some risers to get more z
08:49 PM rifraf: yep i just upgraded to 25mm riser blocks
08:49 PM rifraf: and about to add another 25 for final frame
08:49 PM rifraf: will give me the clearance for most projects
08:49 PM Tom_L: the vise eats alot of it
08:51 PM rifraf: yep the one i am using now sits at 50mm high, between that and clamps can hopefully stuffs
08:53 PM rue_shop2: :( I need more space
08:53 PM rifraf: gonna have to do some more morse taper boring, soon, time to get out the 4 jaw chuck to realign stuffs
08:53 PM Tom_L: you can't have mine
08:53 PM Tom_L: i could use more too
08:53 PM rifraf: rue_shop2 and sure you have 10x the space i have here
08:54 PM rifraf: but i am lucky to be able to still make stuff i guess
08:54 PM rue_shop2: maybe more
08:55 PM rifraf: rue_shop2 maybe its declutter your life time?
08:55 PM Tom_L: he wouldn't know where to start and if he did the 'keep' pile would still be too much
08:55 PM rue_shop2: that clutter is what I need to build things
08:55 PM rue_shop2: the balance is out
08:56 PM rue_shop2: part of my problem is that I need an outlet
08:56 PM rifraf: don't we all
08:56 PM rue_shop2: sadly I live in art central or I could slap togethor and pawn off kinematic art
08:57 PM rue_shop2: that furniture Z was making is made by like every 2nd house here
08:58 PM rue_shop2: I should be able to clear half the middle table
08:59 PM rue_shop2: cant sell junk on ebay, nobody wants to pay shipping out of canada
09:04 PM rifraf: you can sell junk on marketplace, is that a thing over there?
09:24 PM rue_shop2: no
09:42 PM rue_shop2: rifraf, I dont know if I told you about EGMK
09:42 PM rue_shop2: ?
09:45 PM rue_shop2: hahah
09:45 PM rue_shop2: Rue:Rue :
09:45 PM rue_shop2: "wouldn't it be cool to clear this whole table?"
09:45 PM rue_shop2: "YEA!"
09:45 PM rue_shop2: "what is the first thing you would do with this table if we cleared it!?"
09:45 PM rue_shop2: "put all the stuff back!"
09:46 PM rue_shop2: :/
10:27 PM rue_shop2: "Rue, would taking apart 40-50 phones make you feel better?"
10:27 PM * rue_shop2 opens back of truck and phones pour out