#garfield Logs

Dec 24 2024

#garfield Calendar

06:32 AM rue_mohr: 00:07:E9:04:63:80
06:57 AM polprog: hmm, i think mine barely works with 20p
06:57 AM polprog: ill have to experiment more. Maybe the 8051 is bad
06:57 AM polprog: i accidentally powered one with 12V because i hit the wrong button on the psu
07:21 AM rue_mohr: :S
07:23 AM polprog: ok, gotta attend the family
07:23 AM polprog: ill get them to blink the P1 led... i will
07:43 AM rue_mohr: the code is there, "blink"
07:43 AM rue_mohr: it flashes them all in a non-uniform way (so you know its actually the program)
04:09 PM aandrew: wow, malls weren't actually *that* bad today
04:10 PM aandrew: I normally try to have everything done WELL before but this year I didn't land in toronto until saturday, and my wife's flight got cancelled/rebooked for sunday
04:11 PM aandrew: so the turkey brining and tree and all that had to happen kind of fast, and we did hit the malls yesterday but Rogers fucked up our cell phone changes so I went back today with my laptop, charger snacks and water to let them sort shit
04:11 PM aandrew: it did work out in the end. I ported my canadian cell number to voip.ms last year since I'm not in canada anymore and didn't want to lose the number, and they called to try to win me back
04:12 PM polprog: yesterday i had to go get a christmas tree
04:12 PM aandrew: so we ported my wife's number and got 100GB data and free Canada/US calls/texts for $40/mo, -$10/mo for 7months as a way to waive the activation fee
04:12 PM polprog: we put it up quickly
04:12 PM aandrew: so $40/mo for that isn't bad for a proper cell network in Canada, not bad at all
04:12 PM polprog: nice
04:13 PM aandrew: yeah she picked the tree 3 weeks ago and had them set it aside, I grabbed it shortly after landing but it's not sucking up water like they usually do which I guess isn't entirely unexpected
04:13 PM aandrew: but it'll last long enough, just not as long as usual
04:13 PM polprog: i should water mine
04:14 PM aandrew: it takes me roughly 3-5 hours to put the lights in, I do that while drinking eggnog and listening to instrumental christmas music while everyone sleeps
04:14 PM aandrew: hands get completely wrecked with sap and dirt :-)
04:15 PM polprog: hah
04:15 PM polprog: do you cut your tree down or buy it cut?
04:24 PM aandrew: no no we just buy pre-cut trees from a local tree farm
04:24 PM aandrew: we don't quite go that crazy to hunt down a wild tree ourselves
04:25 PM polprog: heh
04:35 PM polprog: im going to san francisco in january
04:35 PM polprog: is there something i should know about driving in the USA?
04:39 PM Tom_itx is now known as Tom_L
04:42 PM aandrew: I haven't been to SF myself, I'm a few hours south of that but the one thing I noticed seems to be different from what I'm used to is a) yellow lights are LONG here, not sure if it's because everyone races them or if they were made longer becuase people race them
04:42 PM polprog: few hours south?
04:42 PM aandrew: and b) it seems EVERYONE turns "wide" here -- e.g. if I'm making a right on to a street with four lanes, I was taught that you turn into the CLOSEST lane and if I need to get over, I signal and then move over.
04:43 PM aandrew: here, everyone seems to turn and cut WIDE to whatever lane they need to be in right away
04:43 PM polprog: argh
04:43 PM aandrew: as such if I'm turning right and the opposing traffic is turning left, I will wait to see if they're gonna cut into my lane
04:43 PM aandrew: yeah I'm in Irvine
04:43 PM Tom_L: traffic laws are being ignored more and more everywhere
04:43 PM polprog: nobody does this here, i think its a traffic violation in poland
04:44 PM aandrew: well not NOW, right now I'm back in Ontario (an hour west of Toronto), but I'm living in Irvine
04:44 PM aandrew: it's a traffic violation here (and in california too) but even cops do this
04:44 PM aandrew: it's crazy
04:44 PM Tom_L: long ways from home
04:45 PM aandrew: yep
04:45 PM polprog: oh so i guessed roughly ok its close to LA
04:45 PM Tom_L: what sent you from Ca to Ca?
04:46 PM aandrew: yes I am an hour from LA
04:47 PM aandrew: Tom_L: work, I am on a TN1 visa hoping to get a green card mostly for the kids
04:57 PM polprog: wtf, gas is black at the fuel station in the USA?
04:57 PM polprog: whyy
04:57 PM polprog: and diesel is the green pistol
04:57 PM polprog: o_O
05:00 PM Tom_L: black?
05:00 PM Tom_L: no
05:00 PM Tom_L: oh the handle plastic?
05:00 PM polprog: yeah of course
05:00 PM Tom_L: umm i think so
05:00 PM polprog: well its the other way round in europe
05:00 PM Tom_L: forget what color ethanol is.. maybe yellow?
05:01 PM polprog: petrol is yellowish with a tint of green
05:01 PM Tom_L: United States, green handles typically dispense diesel fuel
05:01 PM Tom_L: United States, black handles typically dispense regular unleaded gasoline
05:02 PM Tom_L: Blue handles may dispense unleaded 88 or E15
05:02 PM Tom_L: i was thinking yellow but never really pay attention to that
05:04 PM Tom_L: oh and btw... we use real units too not that crazy metric stuff
05:23 PM polprog: oh yeah i had to brush up
05:24 PM polprog: luckily electronics taught me to use inches, and 1" is rougly 300mm so thats easy to calculate
06:19 PM polprog: the only thing i dont know is the F<->C conversion
06:19 PM Tom_L: yeah that one is weird
08:12 PM rue_mohr: didn't do a tree :?
08:13 PM rue_mohr: 5 packages from china, I'll open one tonight and save the rest for the morning
08:14 PM rue_mohr: polprog, damn, I'm just a short hop away (being in canda and all)
08:20 PM rue_mohr: 1000 yellow leds, and 10 8x8 led matrixies