#garfield Logs

Sep 10 2024

#garfield Calendar

07:29 AM rue_mohr: heh
07:42 AM rue_mohr: 4.3k almost sounds cheap
07:42 AM rue_mohr: did someone actually brand an engine "world famous" ?
06:25 PM rue_mohr: http://store.mesanet.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=374
06:25 PM rue_mohr: "I’ve already got separate closed loop steppers that I’ll drive with it.
06:25 PM rue_mohr: I wouldn’t mind more I/o, but the 7196s has enough for my CNC.
06:25 PM rue_mohr: "
08:51 PM rue_mohr: https://infosec.exchange/@MLE_online@social.afront.org/113116261842098355
08:51 PM rue_mohr: !! I think its huge