#garfield Logs

Sep 09 2024

#garfield Calendar

01:11 AM mrtime: hey rue_mohr when your awake can I have your 3d printer config for slicer and pronterface thanks
01:25 AM mrtime: this is marlow by the way
02:10 AM polprog: on sunday i almost got the uart working
02:10 AM polprog: i cant work out what the peripheral clock freq is
02:11 AM polprog: i gotta read through the SystemInit() (or whatever it's called) function in ch32fun
02:11 AM polprog: and figure out what the mcu does with the 8MHz clk input
02:41 AM polprog: id like to get that ethernet port do something
02:42 AM polprog: it's a 10base-t phy there, non isolated
02:42 AM polprog: but it should be OK to send simple packets
07:26 AM rue_mohr: polprog, on which processor?
07:27 AM polprog: ch32v307
08:14 AM rue_mohr: ah
08:15 AM rue_mohr: have you tried the ch32v003?
08:15 AM polprog: yea
08:15 AM polprog: thats the green pcb
08:17 AM rue_mohr: so, I'm hacking a medical thing
08:17 AM rue_mohr: to flash leds and play a tune
08:17 AM rue_mohr: it uses an stm32F101
08:18 AM rue_mohr: so far modifying the f103 toolchain has seemed to work
08:18 AM rue_mohr: but I cant get the timer to work for interrupts
08:19 AM rue_mohr: I need to look at the datasheets really close and see whats different about the f101 timers/interrupt system
08:19 AM polprog: 101 should be just a cut down version of 103
08:19 AM rue_mohr: I cant tell what they cut
08:19 AM rue_mohr: a bit of memory for sure
08:20 AM rue_mohr: apparently it still has all 3 timers
08:42 AM polprog: weird. the only difference i can see is not related to the timers
08:42 AM polprog: 103 and 101 use the same reference manual
08:42 AM polprog: so it should be identical
08:04 PM rue_mohr: huh
08:04 PM rue_mohr: and yet interrupt based time events aren't working
08:55 PM Tom_L: https://www.ebay.com/itm/365071807632