#garfield Logs

Sep 08 2024

#garfield Calendar

06:46 AM polprog: https://github.com/polprog/ch32_playground
06:58 AM polprog: work in progress.
06:58 AM polprog: I got some code working that initializes UART without using cnlohrs function, because that function is hardcoded to use UART1
06:58 AM polprog: so once i figure out how to set the baudrate ill have a function that initializes any uart you give it
09:02 AM rue_mohr: ah!
10:34 AM rue_mohr: https://github.com/robsoncouto/arduino-songs/blob/master/brahmslullaby/brahmslullaby.ino
10:37 AM rue_mohr: I put all the damn arduinos away...
10:38 AM rue_mohr: I need breakfast...
10:38 AM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/button_img_qss2.png
10:38 AM Tom_L: img on buttons now
11:02 AM rue_mohr: ok
11:03 AM rue_mohr: so a fellow I know here is redoing his CNC
11:03 AM rue_mohr: going to use mesa
11:06 AM rue_mohr: Tom_L, are you using gimp for the screen captures or something more lightweight?
11:07 AM Tom_L: gimp cause that's all i know of
11:07 AM Tom_L: what mesa card is he using?
11:07 AM rue_mohr: not sure
11:08 AM rue_mohr: he said $50
11:08 AM Tom_L: does he have one yet?
11:08 AM rue_mohr: not sure
11:08 AM Tom_L: dunno what that would be
11:08 AM Tom_L: most are a bit more
11:08 AM rue_mohr: that was probably CAD too
11:08 AM Tom_L: 7i76s is a good all in one card
11:08 AM Tom_L: sounds like just an isolation board
11:09 AM Tom_L: no smarts
11:09 AM rue_mohr: no, he has to ditch his current controller, the software went and its all obsolete
11:10 AM Tom_L: before he just dives in and gets something wrong.. check with what he has
11:11 AM rue_mohr: oh I dont suspect he would mess it up
11:11 AM rue_mohr: he is "armyofevilrobots"
11:11 AM Tom_L: yeah
11:11 AM Tom_L: be curious what board he has
11:11 AM rue_mohr: I think he has been by a few times
11:11 AM Tom_L: i remember him
11:12 AM rue_mohr: I'm going to go and try to hack a medical device for the med-tech
12:42 PM rue_shop4: compiling for stm32f101c8t6 seemed a bit too easy... test this out
12:43 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/Probe_screen2.png
12:43 PM Tom_L: png need some work
12:45 PM rue_shop4: huh, things usually support png well
12:45 PM Tom_L: doesn't quite center like it should
03:50 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/cnc/JT-SHOP/flexgui/Probe_screen6.png