#garfield Logs

Sep 03 2024

#garfield Calendar

08:29 AM polprog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWmZ8YqRAG0
08:44 AM polprog: this is what I've been working on with other people, we won the Amiga demo competition
10:10 AM polprog: more risc-v micros came
10:21 AM polprog: i cloned the repo
11:08 AM rue_mohr: good good, you got the uploader dongle, right?
11:10 AM rue_mohr: polprog, hah cool!
11:47 AM aandrew: polprog: that's pretty slick, I always loved resource-constrained demos
11:47 AM aandrew: never ever had the math to make them though
11:48 AM rue_mohr: I'm not sure I ever did a spinning cube on my apple IIe
11:48 AM rue_mohr: hard to do the redraw
11:49 AM rue_mohr: there is supposed to be more than 1 high rez graphics buffer tho
11:49 AM rue_mohr: I should give up on this i2c slave before it eats all my time off
11:50 AM aandrew: what are you doing with this i2c thing, I was having trouble following it
11:50 AM rue_mohr: just want to tweak the machine a bit
11:50 AM rue_mohr: I want software i2c code
11:50 AM aandrew: good god, why
11:50 AM rue_mohr: I'v tried this many times before, this is the first time I'v had anything working
11:50 AM rue_mohr: so I can make i2c slaves
11:50 AM rue_mohr: a) to save money on some of them
11:51 AM rue_mohr: b) to make cool stuff that mixes with other i2c stuff
11:51 AM aandrew: I've written i2c masters and spi masters/slaves in VHDL but never ever wanted to make an i2c slave. I did use a PIC with specific hardware help to be an I2C slave but even that was a royal pain in the ass
11:51 AM rue_mohr: yea, using the hardware usually is
11:52 AM rue_mohr: the code I have is close
11:52 AM aandrew: the hardware was basically able to provide an interrupt on start condition detect as well as slave address detect but the latter was kind of wonky
11:52 AM rue_mohr: it needs to be 4x faster, and I have a minor state snag
11:53 AM aandrew: I've really been thinking about that DIY e-paper display and while I have zero time to pursue it, it was inspirational
11:53 AM rue_mohr: get a pcb made for one
11:53 AM rue_mohr: maybe a broken display will come along
11:53 AM aandrew: yeah, after the list of elventy other boards I should be working on :-)
11:54 AM rue_mohr: whats on your list?
11:56 AM polprog: rue_mohr: yeah i have the wch-link, and a few devboards
11:56 AM polprog: i even have the one with ethernet builtin
11:58 AM rue_mohr: ok, so, flashing led demo
11:58 AM rue_mohr: cmon
11:58 AM polprog: i gotta get the groceries
11:59 AM polprog: I will get it working today or tomorrow
11:59 AM rue_mohr: I have this week off
12:00 PM rue_mohr: I dont think anyone is following the i2c thread anymore :]
08:58 PM aandrew: one of my projects is a "proper" flash emulator. parallel, spi/qspi with a lan interface, adjustable timing, etc
08:58 PM aandrew: I can't remember now exactly what the original purpose was, but I had a need for it
08:59 PM aandrew: oh the access logging was a big one
09:52 PM rue_mohr: flash emulator....
10:01 PM rue_mohr: so, I have this lamp pole to put up in the yard...
10:02 PM rue_mohr: will need to plant a base like 24" down
10:02 PM rue_mohr: concrete
10:02 PM rue_mohr: maybe gather lots of big rocks for that one
10:02 PM rue_mohr: guess for splash it should sit 6-8" over the ground
10:04 PM rue_mohr: ah, I can use the cement mixer
10:04 PM rue_mohr: yay
10:06 PM rue_mohr: I think the fuel pump on that parts truck wasn't generating enough pressure cause the battery might have been low
10:06 PM rue_mohr: so I'm going to give it a top up charge and try again