#garfield Logs

Sep 02 2024

#garfield Calendar

02:12 PM aandrew: I'm kind of fascinated with this DIY eink now but shouldn't be. No time for what I have to do let alone what I want to do
02:26 PM aandrew: but I had no idea you could cut up e-ink film, conductive-epoxy the edge so you have a clear terminal, and then just have PCB patterns underneath to make whatever display you want
02:32 PM polprog: rue_mohr: yeah, a two day party where all people who write for old computers meet
02:32 PM polprog: it was quite something
02:33 PM polprog: just a few days for the exam and ill finally go back to do the stuff i really want to do
02:43 PM aandrew: I'm starting to get a kind of "instinctive" feel for RF matching lately. it's like suddenly impedance and admittance and moving around the smith chart are juuuuuust starting to make intuitive sense to me
02:43 PM aandrew: I'm 100% sure I'm a tiny project away from having the rug pulled out from under me and ending up on my ass on the floor going "nope... guess not" :-)
02:43 PM aandrew: but it feels kind of nice for the moment
04:46 PM rue_mohr: heh