#garfield Logs

Aug 13 2024

#garfield Calendar

02:06 PM polprog: im having a hard time with exams
02:20 PM polprog: not doing much now. everything is stalled
02:20 PM polprog: im mad because i lost the bag of screws from that large Adret RF gen
03:40 PM rue_mohr: hmm
03:52 PM aandrew: I'm a little upset that somoene decided to steal my LoRa node that I'd installed on a foothill near me
03:52 PM aandrew: like took the device, the antenna and even the 3' chunk of black pipe that the antenna was bolted to
03:52 PM aandrew: didn't cost a lot but just disappointing
05:04 PM rue_mohr: make and install a fake one with a tracker