#garfield Logs

Jul 21 2024

#garfield Calendar

12:22 PM VanUnamed_ is now known as VanUnamed
03:22 PM rue_mohr: Z's birthday today :/
05:23 PM polprog: who's Z?
05:26 PM rue_mohr: zhanx
05:47 PM polprog: ah
05:48 PM polprog: why the ":/", is he gone?
06:00 PM rue_mohr: we think he died
06:01 PM polprog: oh
06:01 PM polprog: i remember him..
06:02 PM polprog: vaguely but I think we talked
06:02 PM polprog: im sorry :(
06:18 PM polprog: gn
08:51 PM rue_mohr: hehehe, I can have both home automation computers on the network and just change the host names to switch them over...