#garfield Logs

Jul 20 2024

#garfield Calendar

12:14 AM rue_mohr: not sure where to get a realtime interrupt
11:25 AM rue_mohr: I think its currently averaging less than 1 other person in the universe right now
11:25 AM Tom_L: where's your data?
11:26 AM rue_mohr: not sure how I could prove the absence of anyone
11:27 AM rue_mohr: but when there is nobody on irc, and nobody on twitter, and nobody on mastadon, and nobody on the other end of a phone, and nobody on discord
11:27 AM rue_mohr: well, what else can I assume
11:28 AM Tom_L: you tripped over the plug and unplugged it
11:28 AM rue_mohr: the universe?
11:28 AM Tom_L: maybe
11:28 AM rue_mohr: well, to be fair, I dont currently have anyone in my contacts thats off planet
11:28 AM Tom_L: or a victim of one of the cyber attacks
11:30 AM rue_mohr: so exactly 0 of my computers were hit by that update fiasco
11:31 AM rue_mohr: I wonder if the govt can mandate full disclosure on update sources, where you have to be able to disable them
12:08 PM rue_shop2: Tom_L, atmega32 SD interface :]
12:08 PM rue_shop2: was just talking about a data logger not too long ago
12:09 PM rue_shop2: do you know what the other chip part numbers were?
12:11 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/logger/logger_thumb_index.php
12:15 PM rue_shop2: oh you did it as a logger!
12:15 PM rue_shop2: this one is all surface mount
12:15 PM rue_shop2: you used a chip for the level conversion
12:16 PM rue_shop2: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/boards/atmega32_sd.jpg
12:17 PM rue_shop2: so ic4 must have been optional
12:26 PM Tom_L: i may have used resistor divider on that
12:27 PM Tom_L: yeah, r28..3x
12:29 PM rue_shop2: MAX3004?
12:31 PM Tom_L: no
12:32 PM Tom_L: GTL2003PW
12:32 PM Tom_L: that series
12:32 PM Tom_L: comes in 2 - 8 wide
12:32 PM Tom_L: but i used that on my programmer not the logger
12:44 PM rue_shop2: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:443/~webpage/boards/atmega32_sd.jpg
12:44 PM rue_shop2: ^^
12:44 PM rue_shop2: ?
12:45 PM Tom_L: i'll have to look when i get back. remind me...
12:45 PM rue_shop2: k
12:45 PM Tom_L: my memory doesn't go back that far
02:12 PM Tom_L: says MAX3001E
02:12 PM Tom_L: don't remember much about ti
02:12 PM Tom_L: it
02:13 PM Tom_L: i can tell you i never got sd to work
02:13 PM Tom_L: and i don't remember about the older format... mmc? i forget what it was called
02:19 PM rue_mohr: oh drat
03:21 PM Tom_L: the max may have been the problem
03:21 PM Tom_L: dunno
07:24 PM aandrew: Bhttps://www.qsl.net/in3otd/parallr.html nice little offline-able javascript "build me a resistor of X value from standard values" utility
07:24 PM aandrew: there are some other interesting things on that site too
07:25 PM aandrew: https://www.ti.com/download/kbase/volt/volt_div3.htm is my favourite offline-able resistor divider calculator too
07:46 PM rue_shop2: oooo
08:30 PM rue_mohr: OH OH, cruel fate
08:30 PM rue_mohr: https://github.com/harbaum/I2C-Tiny-USB/tree/master/firmware
08:31 PM rue_mohr: I want to make this project, but I dont have a attiny45
08:31 PM rue_mohr: I only have a attiny85
08:31 PM rue_mohr: who can port ALL THIS CODE for me!?
08:31 PM rue_mohr: :]
08:34 PM rue_mohr: my house i2c network is like 60feet long, I need to see if that'll even work
08:34 PM rue_mohr: might have to slow down the baud rate
09:25 PM rue_shop2: oh, larger issue, he uses reset, I'd need a high voltage programmer
09:25 PM rue_shop2: maybe I'll just use an atmega8
09:30 PM rue_shop2: https://github.com/daniel-thompson/i2c-star
09:30 PM rue_shop2: oh, that might be easier
09:36 PM rue_shop2: are you alive
10:34 PM WormFeud is now known as WormFood