#garfield Logs

Jul 01 2024

#garfield Calendar

11:38 AM rue_mohr: polprog, ?
01:58 PM polprog: sup rue_mohr
01:59 PM polprog: i am still working on the instruction set
02:00 PM polprog: if it could be fitted into 8 instructions that would be great
02:00 PM polprog: another round number is 16 instructions and 12 bit encoding, but thats a bit more hassle to implment in C later
02:00 PM polprog: the VM interpreter needs to be small
02:04 PM polprog: i have the encoding part written down as a paper, just need to edit the text a bit
02:04 PM polprog: and add some more examples and simulations
02:06 PM polprog: i might rewrite it in less formal terms as a text file and submit to some zine
06:44 PM rue_mohr: :]