#garfield Logs

Jun 25 2024

#garfield Calendar

07:02 AM rue_mohr: injection mold design engineer here.
07:15 AM rue_mohr: -First, heating up the mold before injection is crucial, as you noticed yourself. It will delay solidification of the part.
07:15 AM rue_mohr: -A vent at the end of the part might be a good idea, depends how tight your splitting surfaces are.
07:15 AM rue_mohr: -You should feed the part into the thickest part, like head of the screw in your last try. You always want the melt to flow from thick to thin since it tends to solidify in the thin part first.
07:15 AM rue_mohr: -Pressure is not the key actually, speed is more important since melt solidifies with time. Viscosity also tends to decrease with increased speed. Normal injection of a part takes max few seconds.
07:15 AM rue_mohr: -350bar of pressure is not the lower end in industry. Most of the parts I made molds for were injected with lower pressures. Machines go up to 2000 bar but it's rarely necessary. If part needs that kind of pressures then it's (mostly, not always ;) ) a badly designed part.
12:27 PM tzanger: interesting
12:27 PM tzanger: what's that from, got a link?
05:57 PM rue_mohr: its from a comment on a youtube vieo