#garfield Logs

Jun 23 2024

#garfield Calendar

10:01 AM Tom_L: rue_mohr, did i send you some of those empty blue boxes once?
12:35 PM rue_mohr: yes!
12:35 PM rue_mohr: iirc anyhow
12:36 PM rue_mohr: the 'project boxes' area is having challanges
12:58 PM Tom_L: i have a sack full i may toss
01:44 PM rue_mohr: :(
01:44 PM rue_mohr: most of my projects require much larger boxes
01:45 PM rue_mohr: I wonder if there are any makers in your area that would like them
01:54 PM Tom_L: i'm not going to look
02:34 PM rue_mohr: can I ask some people?
02:34 PM rue_mohr: what town you in again?
02:37 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1310893.jpg
02:37 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/cutaway.png
02:38 PM rue_mohr: axial bushing
02:38 PM rue_mohr: the PLA runs pretty good on itself
02:38 PM rue_mohr: as long as its cold
06:00 PM rue_mohr: nc dingdong 77 | xargs -d"\n" -I {} date +"%d-%b-%Y %I:%M:%S %p {}"