#garfield Logs

Jun 18 2024

#garfield Calendar

06:22 AM polprog: rue_mohr: did you program the N76E003 chips?
06:35 AM polprog: what do you think about them?
08:06 AM rue_mohr: nc dingdong 77 | xargs -d"\n" -I {} date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S {}"
08:07 AM rue_mohr: N76E003 ?
08:07 AM rue_mohr: you mean the riscV ones?
08:09 AM rue_mohr: CH32V003
08:09 AM rue_mohr: no
08:10 AM rue_mohr: 8051...
08:10 AM rue_mohr: where did you get N76E003 from?
08:12 AM rue_mohr: huh 60c ea
11:04 AM aandrew: ... dingdong?
04:28 PM polprog: rue_mohr: brand new nuvoton 8051
04:46 PM aandrew: nuvoton has some neat (and CHEAP) parts... not $0.10 cheap but I am talking cheap devices with built in CAN
04:47 PM aandrew: not sure why you'd want to work on anything 8051 for a new design these days
04:48 PM polprog: fair point
04:48 PM polprog: i was asked bysomeone if i know these mcus
04:48 PM polprog: i have some but i havent programmed them
04:48 PM polprog: https://github.com/wkaster/N76E003/tree/master
04:49 PM polprog: tried compiling this but it doesn't buid
04:49 PM polprog: build*
04:56 PM polprog: i have to sit to this and figure it out
06:55 PM rue_mohr: cant say 8051 isn't a stable design
07:18 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: hah, sure, you could claim that but it's hardly worth the hassle
11:22 PM rue_mohr: my fixed speed stepper driver circuit worked!
11:22 PM rue_mohr: LM567 + uln2003
11:23 PM rue_mohr: the 567 is able to be a oscillator with a quadrature output :]
11:23 PM rue_mohr: app note I remembered