#garfield Logs

Jun 04 2024

#garfield Calendar

04:41 AM polprog_: is it feasible to clean a printer drum? it started making black dots on the pages now
04:56 AM polprog_: there used to be white spots there, so less of a nuisance but now they are black
04:56 AM polprog_: and i wonder if its better to try cleaning it or order a new one for $80
04:56 AM Tom_L: toner? get a new one
04:56 AM Tom_L: i used to refill those but don't anymore
04:56 AM polprog_: no, this has a separate toner cartridge and drum assemblies
06:42 AM rue_mohr: heh messy.
09:54 AM aandrew: I have a very happy memory of finding an old photocopier behind some building and convincing my dad to drag it home. Spent most of the next two weeks taking it apart on the back patio. SO MANY GEARS. SO MANY MOTORS. SO MANY SPRINGS... and of course SO MUCH MESS. I guess it was tossed because it had managed to explode the toner
09:54 AM aandrew: fortunately dad didn't much care but I'm sure we left black handprints everywhere
10:07 AM polprog_: heh
10:07 AM polprog_: im at a crossroads wit the older hplj
10:08 AM polprog_: it works, its a good printer, it *probably* just needs to be cleaned and have a drum replaced/wiped down
10:23 AM aandrew: I had an old LJ4MV that I loved, that thing was a *tank*
10:29 AM polprog_: this is a LaserJet M130fn which is reasonably good
10:29 AM polprog_: I only have one grief, if you set scan dpi lower than 600 then it does some ugly compression
10:54 AM aandrew: I don't think I've ever had reason to get a laser printer to print lower than its maximum DPI. Inkjets for sure
10:54 AM polprog_: me too but i mean the scanner
10:54 AM polprog_: its an mfp
10:55 AM polprog_: and if you scan at say, 300 DPI it creates this crappy blurry background with sharpened foreground, kinda like DJVU format does
10:55 AM polprog_: but that looks awful on handwritten text and graphics
11:04 AM aandrew: ahhh
11:04 AM aandrew: right, I understand now
11:06 AM polprog_: hm, i changed some preset to "picture", maybe it will help
06:09 PM Tom_L: how do i set user rights to the parport0?
06:09 PM Tom_L: i did adduser tom lp
06:35 PM Tom_L: rue_mohr, ?
07:25 PM rue_mohr: chmod 777 /dev/parport0
07:25 PM rue_mohr: ok
07:30 PM Tom_L: sudo
07:30 PM Tom_L: thanks
07:31 PM Tom_L: now...
07:32 PM Tom_dev: auto enp2s0
07:32 PM Tom_dev: iface enp2s0 inet static
07:32 PM Tom_dev: addresss
07:32 PM Tom_dev: nothing
07:32 PM Tom_dev: tried both pcie ports and the mb eth
07:33 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig -a
07:33 PM Tom_dev: with 2 different cards that work with the same settings
07:33 PM rue_mohr: will show you the hidden devices
07:33 PM rue_mohr: incase your plugged into something else
07:33 PM Tom_dev: command not found
07:33 PM Tom_dev: nothing else is installed
07:33 PM rue_mohr: huh
07:34 PM Tom_dev: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/temp/Test_pc.jpg
07:34 PM rue_mohr: I think their trying to depreciate any tools where the user knows what their doing
07:34 PM rue_mohr: it'll be part of a package
07:34 PM Tom_dev: just the mesa card
07:34 PM rue_mohr: apt-get search ifconfig
07:34 PM rue_mohr: no
07:34 PM rue_mohr: apt-cache search ifconfig
07:34 PM Tom_dev: i did ip link show
07:35 PM Tom_dev: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
07:35 PM Tom_dev: link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
07:35 PM Tom_dev: 2: enp2s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
07:35 PM Tom_dev: link/ether 1c:1b:0d:dd:2c:23 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
07:35 PM Tom_dev: 3: enp5s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
07:35 PM Tom_dev: link/ether 00:e0:4c:71:95:ba brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
07:35 PM Tom_L: no matter where i put it, it shows "DOWN"
07:35 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig up enp2s0
07:35 PM rue_mohr: the new tools suck
07:36 PM Tom_dev: what package is that in?
07:36 PM rue_mohr: apt-cache search ifconfig
07:37 PM Tom_dev: gnome-nettool - network information tool for GNOME
07:37 PM Tom_dev: inetutils-tools - base networking utilities (experimental package)
07:37 PM Tom_dev: iproute2 - networking and traffic control tools
07:37 PM Tom_dev: libnet-ifconfig-wrapper-perl - multiplatform Perl wrapper for ifconfig
07:37 PM Tom_dev: libnet-interface-perl - Perl module for manipulating host network interfaces
07:37 PM Tom_dev: libsys-hostip-perl - Perl module to determine local machine's IP address
07:37 PM Tom_dev: moreutils - additional Unix utilities
07:37 PM Tom_dev: net-tools - NET-3 networking toolkit
07:37 PM Tom_dev: python3-sh - Python 3 subprocess interface
07:37 PM Tom_dev: wmifinfo - Dockapp that shows information for all interfaces
07:39 PM Tom_L: ?
07:39 PM rue_mohr: net-tools
07:40 PM Tom_dev: command not found: ipconfig
07:40 PM Tom_dev: command not found: ifconfig
07:41 PM Tom_dev: either
07:41 PM rue_mohr: after installing net-tools?
07:41 PM Tom_dev: yeah
07:41 PM rue_mohr: what
07:41 PM rue_mohr: freaking change for the sake of change
07:41 PM rue_mohr: oh wait
07:41 PM rue_mohr: su -
07:41 PM rue_mohr: then try it
07:42 PM rue_mohr: they dont configure the paths on new systems
07:42 PM Tom_L: it shows it in bookworm docs
07:43 PM Tom_dev: yeah that's better
07:43 PM Tom_dev: now do what?
07:43 PM rue_mohr: /sbin/ifconfig
07:43 PM rue_mohr: oh
07:43 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig up enp2s0
07:43 PM rue_mohr: or ifconfig emp2s0 up
07:43 PM Tom_dev: better
07:43 PM rue_mohr: mmm
07:44 PM Tom_dev: still can't find the card
07:44 PM rue_mohr: what do you mean?
07:45 PM Tom_dev: mesaflash --device 7i80HD-16 --addr --readhmid
07:45 PM Tom_dev: No 7I80HD-16 board found
07:45 PM rue_mohr: https://x.com/RueNahcMohr/status/1798148405547450834 <-- playing with led arrays and light pens
07:45 PM rue_mohr: oh, show me ifconfig for it
07:45 PM rue_mohr: its a link just between the computer and the mesa, right?
07:45 PM Tom_dev: yeah
07:45 PM Tom_dev: using a static ip
07:45 PM rue_mohr: and thats the mesa address
07:45 PM rue_mohr: so
07:46 PM Tom_dev: hang on a sec.. i gotta reboot this
07:46 PM rue_mohr: no...
07:46 PM rue_mohr: you never have to reboot limux
07:46 PM Tom_dev: i do to swap cards!
07:46 PM rue_mohr: ugh
07:46 PM Tom_dev: one sec
07:46 PM rue_mohr: ok
07:46 PM rue_mohr: https://x.com/RueNahcMohr/status/1798148405547450834 <-- playing with led arrays and light pens
07:47 PM Tom_L: i want it to work off the pcie card is why
07:51 PM Tom_L: ok it's back up on the other card and i did sudo ifconfig enp4s0 up
07:51 PM Tom_L: the eth leds are on but not blinking
07:51 PM Tom_L: like they should be
07:51 PM Tom_L: cute demo
07:52 PM rue_mohr: so I was about to day
07:52 PM rue_mohr: that what you need to do it
07:52 PM Tom_L: do what?
07:52 PM rue_mohr: set an address on the card
07:52 PM rue_mohr: with the command
07:52 PM Tom_L: it is set
07:53 PM Tom_L: in the interfaces file
07:53 PM rue_mohr: show me
07:54 PM Tom_dev: auto lo
07:54 PM Tom_dev: iface lo inet loopback
07:54 PM Tom_dev: auto enp4s0
07:54 PM Tom_dev: iface enp4s0 inet static
07:54 PM Tom_dev: addresss
07:54 PM Tom_dev: 3: enp4s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
07:54 PM rue_mohr: ok, did you cross over the cable?
07:55 PM Tom_dev: same cable that works everywhere
07:55 PM rue_mohr: but not piont to point
07:55 PM Tom_dev: the mesa card takes care of that
07:55 PM rue_mohr: and your not using a switch int eh middle are you
07:55 PM Tom_dev: nope
07:55 PM Tom_dev: pc to card
07:55 PM Tom_dev: just like i always do
07:55 PM rue_mohr: so the green and orange need to be swapped
07:56 PM rue_mohr: cause neither prolly do autonegotiation of that
07:56 PM Tom_dev: shouldn't
07:56 PM rue_mohr: your Tx->Tx and Rx->Rx
07:56 PM Tom_dev: i can take this card to the other pc, same config and it works
07:56 PM Tom_dev: same card cable config
07:56 PM rue_mohr: hmm
07:56 PM Tom_dev: same with another card
07:57 PM rue_mohr: hmm
07:57 PM rue_mohr: did they implement ping?
07:57 PM Tom_dev: tried both pcie ports and the other ethernet port
07:57 PM rue_mohr: can you pin
07:57 PM Tom_dev: unreachable
07:57 PM Tom_dev: and yes he did
07:58 PM rue_mohr: show me what the command 'route' says
07:58 PM Tom_dev: ernel IP routing table
07:58 PM Tom_dev: Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
07:58 PM Tom_dev: default RT-AX86U-AAB0.A UG 100 0 0 enp2s0
07:58 PM Tom_dev: U 100 0 0 enp2s0
07:58 PM rue_mohr: nope
07:58 PM Tom_dev: doesn't show it
07:59 PM rue_mohr: yea, it doesn't know, but, it should
07:59 PM rue_mohr: why
07:59 PM Tom_dev: interweb works on either port
07:59 PM rue_mohr: show me ifconfig again?
07:59 PM Tom_dev: tried switching them
07:59 PM Tom_dev: enp2s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
07:59 PM Tom_dev: inet netmask broadcast
07:59 PM Tom_dev: inet6 fe80::1e1b:dff:fedd:2c23 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
07:59 PM Tom_dev: ether 1c:1b:0d:dd:2c:23 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
07:59 PM Tom_dev: RX packets 2651 bytes 1724948 (1.6 MiB)
07:59 PM Tom_dev: RX errors 0 dropped 3 overruns 0 frame 0
08:00 PM Tom_dev: TX packets 1627 bytes 233071 (227.6 KiB)
08:00 PM Tom_dev: TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
08:00 PM Tom_dev: enp4s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
08:00 PM Tom_dev: inet6 fe80::2e0:4cff:fe71:95ba prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link>
08:00 PM Tom_dev: ether 00:e0:4c:71:95:ba txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
08:00 PM Tom_dev: RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
08:00 PM Tom_dev: RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
08:00 PM rue_mohr: nope
08:00 PM Tom_dev: TX packets 42 bytes 5352 (5.2 KiB)
08:00 PM Tom_dev: TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
08:00 PM Tom_dev: it's on enp4s0
08:00 PM rue_mohr: yea, its not up right tho
08:00 PM rue_mohr: you need that command you didn't want from me
08:00 PM Tom_dev: what's that?
08:00 PM Tom_dev: i may have missed it
08:01 PM rue_mohr: you didn't let me tell it to you :]
08:01 PM Tom_dev: if it works...
08:01 PM Tom_dev: haven't tried the parport yet since i did the chmod
08:02 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig enp4s0
08:02 PM rue_mohr: I think
08:02 PM Tom_dev: that's the other card
08:02 PM rue_mohr: enp2s0 is to internet
08:02 PM rue_mohr: enp4s0 is to CNC yes?
08:02 PM Tom_dev: yes
08:02 PM Tom_dev: i did that
08:02 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig enp4s0
08:03 PM Tom_dev: yes
08:03 PM rue_mohr: that will set an address to enp4s0
08:03 PM Tom_dev: now it sees the card
08:03 PM rue_mohr: which it didn't have
08:03 PM Tom_dev: didn't read it from the config???
08:03 PM rue_mohr: its up, with no address
08:03 PM rue_mohr: no
08:03 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig enp4s0
08:03 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig enp4s0
08:03 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig enp4s0
08:03 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig enp4s0
08:03 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig enp4s0
08:03 PM Tom_dev: wonder why
08:03 PM rue_mohr: cmon
08:04 PM Tom_dev: iface enp4s0 inet static
08:04 PM Tom_dev: addresss
08:04 PM Tom_dev: that's the same as the other pc
08:04 PM Tom_dev: will it stay on a reboot?
08:04 PM rue_mohr: auto enp4s0
08:04 PM rue_mohr: is missing
08:05 PM Tom_dev: no i didn't copy that line:
08:05 PM Tom_dev: auto enp4s0
08:05 PM Tom_dev: iface enp4s0 inet static
08:05 PM Tom_dev: addresss
08:05 PM Tom_dev: is the whole of that card
08:05 PM rue_mohr: huh
08:05 PM rue_mohr: ifconfig command will not stick
08:05 PM rue_mohr: I wonder why it didn't bring it up if it was auto
08:06 PM Tom_dev: that's what i'd like to know
08:06 PM Tom_dev: # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
08:06 PM Tom_dev: # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
08:06 PM Tom_dev: # source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
08:06 PM Tom_dev: # The loopback network interface
08:06 PM Tom_dev: auto lo
08:06 PM Tom_dev: iface lo inet loopback
08:06 PM Tom_dev: auto enp4s0
08:06 PM Tom_dev: iface enp4s0 inet static
08:06 PM Tom_dev: addresss
08:06 PM Tom_dev: the whole of interfaces file
08:06 PM rue_mohr: did the ifconfig command set the address to the interface?
08:06 PM Tom_dev: if interfaces.d was uncommented it won't work either
08:07 PM rue_mohr: lets get the link working, then work on why it didn't boot right
08:07 PM Tom_dev: it's working now but i haven't rebooted
08:07 PM rue_mohr: dont reboot
08:07 PM Tom_dev: mesaflash --device 7i80HD-16 --addr --readhmid
08:07 PM Tom_dev: Configuration Name: HOSTMOT2
08:07 PM Tom_dev: General configuration information:
08:07 PM Tom_dev: BoardName : MESA7I80
08:07 PM Tom_dev: FPGA Size: 16 KGates
08:07 PM Tom_dev: FPGA Pins: 256
08:07 PM rue_mohr: can you ping the mesa card?
08:07 PM rue_mohr: ok
08:07 PM Tom_dev: i'm sure i can now
08:08 PM Tom_dev: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.212 ms
08:08 PM Tom_dev: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.169 ms
08:08 PM Tom_dev: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.216 ms
08:08 PM rue_mohr: I got a shoe off!
08:08 PM rue_mohr: ohhh feel so much better
08:08 PM Tom_dev: i'm gonna try a reboot to see
08:09 PM rue_mohr: no it wont work
08:10 PM Tom_dev: but why not?
08:10 PM rue_mohr: now we know the link works, lets find out
08:11 PM Tom_dev: soon as i do:sudo ifconfig enp4s0 it works
08:11 PM Tom_dev: same friggin OS too
08:11 PM rue_mohr: yes
08:11 PM Tom_dev: same mb
08:11 PM Tom_dev: same everything
08:11 PM rue_mohr: so
08:11 PM rue_mohr: this is systemd's fault
08:12 PM Tom_dev: anything in the bios?
08:12 PM Tom_dev: probalby not
08:13 PM rue_mohr: no
08:13 PM rue_mohr: its some part of the network config
08:13 PM rue_mohr: there might be an error in a log file
08:13 PM Tom_dev: well when i installed debian that card wasn't installed
08:13 PM rue_mohr: huh
08:14 PM Tom_dev: but i've done that before with no issues
08:14 PM rue_mohr: maybe it needs firmware and its loading in the wrong order
08:14 PM Tom_dev: i can redo the os if i need to with the card in
08:15 PM rue_mohr: no
08:15 PM Tom_dev: what does systemd do?
08:15 PM rue_mohr: maybe its just not using the interfaces file
08:15 PM rue_mohr: all those boot scripts
08:16 PM Tom_dev: i tried setting it thru the gui too with no better success
08:16 PM rue_mohr: it replaces them with its own concept of the world and f*****s it all up
08:16 PM Tom_dev: that's why that line is commented out in interfaces
08:16 PM Tom_dev: that usually makes it work
08:16 PM Tom_dev: # source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*
08:17 PM Tom_dev: that screws it up
08:17 PM rue_mohr: well
08:17 PM Tom_dev: the format of that file is a little different on another os
08:17 PM rue_mohr: interfaces.d probably has a list of interfaces each with their own config
08:18 PM Tom_dev: lemme run to the shop and see what interfaces is on it
08:18 PM rue_mohr: like each in their own file
08:18 PM Tom_dev: no, it's empty
08:18 PM Tom_dev: i never have used that
08:18 PM rue_mohr: hmm
08:18 PM Tom_dev: but yeah that's probably what it's for
08:18 PM Tom_dev: for a complex network
08:19 PM Tom_dev: brb... headed to the shop
08:19 PM rue_mohr: kids keep getting ideas about how things would be better and its just the same, but different
08:23 PM Tom_L: i didn't set that up out there since i swapped OS
08:23 PM Tom_L: so now what?
08:25 PM Tom_dev: 1 lo loopback - unmanaged
08:25 PM Tom_dev: 2 enp2s0 ether - unmanaged
08:25 PM Tom_dev: 3 enp4s0 ether - unmanaged
08:35 PM Tom_dev: You are running a systemd-based OS where traditional syslog has been replaced
08:35 PM Tom_dev: with the Journal.
08:35 PM Tom_dev: journalctl lists the logs
08:35 PM Tom_dev: fckers
09:03 PM rue_mohr: hmm
09:03 PM rue_mohr: try #networking
09:03 PM rue_mohr: its too new, I dont know
09:05 PM Tom_L: i'm starting over
09:06 PM Tom_L: with the card in
09:06 PM Tom_L: not a big deal...
09:06 PM rue_mohr: you might be 3 characters waway from it working
09:08 PM Tom_L: maybe
09:10 PM Tom_L: if it doesn't work this time then i'll wonder wtf
09:10 PM Tom_L: gives me time to do some laundry...
09:35 PM aandrew: got the irrigation system plumbing back together. been very lucky that the weather's been wet and cool here until now, was 30C here today
09:36 PM aandrew: one small leak now but it's hard water so it should self-seal pretty fast
09:36 PM aandrew: gonna plug in the controller tomorrow and hope nothing blows up
09:37 PM aandrew: should be fine, I already ran it outside of the system and what blew it up last time can't do it this time (regulator is good to 80V and has a 60V zener in front of it)
09:55 PM rue_mohr: hmm
10:17 PM rue_shop2: 3385-AZ2150-1A-12DEF-ND
10:50 PM Tom_L: i got the ethernet working
10:50 PM Tom_L: but working on the parport now
10:55 PM rue_mohr: I did my taxes on paper this year, as for the past few years
10:55 PM rue_mohr: I got me owing $220
10:55 PM rue_mohr: they redid the math and came out to $183
10:55 PM rue_mohr: ok...
10:55 PM rue_mohr: property tax is paid
10:55 PM rue_mohr: water was over $1200 this year
10:58 PM Tom_L: can't seem to get the parport working
10:58 PM Tom_L: did the adduser to lp
10:58 PM Tom_L: and chmod 777 to parport0
10:59 PM Tom_L: the M2 ssd was giving me fits on the mb
10:59 PM rue_mohr: ... did you reinstall
11:00 PM Tom_L: i had another ssd ready to go
11:00 PM rue_mohr: mh
11:00 PM rue_mohr: m
11:00 PM Tom_L: i forget why i had it but i did
11:00 PM rue_mohr: mhm
11:01 PM Tom_L: so the ethernet works and i'm trying to get the parport one working now
11:01 PM rue_mohr: yea
11:01 PM Tom_L: i have the parport mesa card attached
11:01 PM rue_mohr: print driver
11:01 PM rue_mohr: heh, you have the irc logs, not me :]
11:01 PM rue_mohr: search for what you did last time :]
11:02 PM Tom_L: i haven't had that one working yet
11:03 PM Tom_L: says i need root access
11:03 PM Tom_L: but that could just be mesaflash utility
11:03 PM rue_mohr: always be root
11:03 PM rue_mohr: says I have 4174 visa points
11:03 PM rue_mohr: I think I could buy a pencil with that
11:03 PM rue_mohr: (a used one)
11:04 PM rue_mohr: oh wow, I can almost buy a set of crayola markers!
11:05 PM Tom_L: how do i list the parports?
11:05 PM rue_mohr: not nearly enough for the cereal container
11:05 PM rue_mohr: ls /dev/lp*
11:06 PM Tom_L: lp* or parport* ?
11:06 PM Tom_L: they're both there
11:07 PM Tom_L: what about lp group access?
11:08 PM Tom_L: it says i'm a member of that group
11:08 PM Tom_L: but does the group have full access to it?
11:09 PM rue_mohr: if its part of that group
11:09 PM rue_mohr: ls -lrt /dev/lp*
11:10 PM rue_mohr: you dont want to check the log on how you fixed it last time?
11:11 PM Tom_dev: crw-rw---- 1 root lp 6, 0 Jun 4 22:38 /dev/lp0
11:11 PM rue_mohr: owned by root:lp
11:11 PM rue_mohr: hmm
11:11 PM Tom_L: i didn't fix it last time... i've never used it but want to