#garfield Logs

May 28 2024

#garfield Calendar

05:02 AM polprog: rue_mohr: yeah they hook up when you post viral posts
05:15 AM polprog: i still think that on twitter, only 10% of my followrs are people
05:15 AM polprog: and 10% of that have actually interacted with me
05:15 AM polprog: its better on fedi, but not by much
06:56 AM rue_mohr: yea, I did some random checks and the accounts do NOT look right
07:07 AM rue_mohr: eeeee.... thats over 350 new followers.. wish I'd done something cool
07:48 AM rue_shop2: Rue, welcome back from work, go address the jumbotron stuff in email!
08:33 AM polprog: jumbotron??
08:33 AM polprog: yougot a jumbotron?
05:16 PM obfuscated_d: you here Rue?
05:41 PM polprog: all our agents are busy now
05:41 PM polprog: estimated wait time: 6 hours
05:41 PM polprog: please leave a message after the beep
05:41 PM polprog: .-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
05:41 PM obfuscated_d: I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty
05:42 PM polprog: sup obfuscated_d
05:42 PM polprog: i remember you here
05:43 PM obfuscated_d: yea, I disappeared for a while. I tend to do that. rue was working on a neat led matrix project, wanted to pick his brain about the code, see if we can get somewhere
05:43 PM polprog: that light pen thing?
05:44 PM obfuscated_d: yea that's the one
05:48 PM polprog: its pretty cool
05:49 PM polprog: the binary search is an interesting approach
06:20 PM aandrew: that is a pretty cool demo, rue_mohr
06:20 PM aandrew: I wonder if you could search for the pen with a (dramatically) reduced light output to prevent seizures
09:16 PM rue_mohr: hi, I'm back
09:16 PM rue_mohr: haha, extended warranty on a 1991 truck, hahahaha
09:17 PM Tom_L: i want one of those
09:17 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, I do dial down the brightness for the scan
09:52 PM aandrew: you want the truck or the extended warranty?
10:12 PM rue_mohr: heh
11:47 PM rue_mohr: obfuscated_d got it working :]
11:47 PM rue_mohr: I think that project just inspired a whole whack of people in all sorts of different directions