#garfield Logs

May 20 2024

#garfield Calendar

01:13 PM rue_mohr: ok, changing the truck oil and working on the big cnc
01:58 PM Tom_L: get the front end fixed?
02:57 PM rue_shop2: they havn't contacted me back so they dont have the parts yet
02:57 PM rue_shop2: it was going to take 2 weeks to ship
02:57 PM rue_shop2: just finished the oil change
02:57 PM rue_shop2: grabbing the grease gun now
07:16 PM rue_shop2: ok, one of my buddies came by and we did a bunch of casting
07:16 PM rue_shop2: waiting for them to cool
09:00 PM Tom_L: clamps?
10:08 PM rue_mohr: I did two more, and buddy did some pipe clamps for a thing he's making
10:08 PM rue_mohr: _n_
10:08 PM rue_mohr: halves for grabbing a pipe
10:13 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/Well_puller.jpg
10:18 PM rue_mohr: yer not serving data...
10:18 PM rue_mohr: ouch slow
10:18 PM Tom_L: huh?
10:19 PM rue_mohr: its downloading at 9600
10:19 PM Tom_L: oh
10:19 PM rue_mohr: that fixed it
10:19 PM Tom_L: not me?
10:20 PM rue_mohr: there is no relief so they can roll up but not down?
10:20 PM Tom_L: something like that
10:20 PM rue_mohr: mm
10:20 PM rue_mohr: when was that one?
10:20 PM Tom_L: hole should be 'threaded'
10:20 PM Tom_L: i dunno
10:20 PM rue_mohr: k
10:21 PM Tom_L: modeled after a well puller i rented
10:21 PM rue_mohr: hehe
10:21 PM rue_mohr: was that one of your early cads?
10:21 PM Tom_L: maybe.. dunno that either
10:22 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1310652.jpg
10:22 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1310653.jpg
10:23 PM Tom_L: redid a few things for your casting
10:23 PM rue_mohr: last year I moved it all around to make more sense
10:24 PM rue_mohr: all the supplies are in the metal cabinet
10:24 PM Tom_L: is that a bigger pot?
10:24 PM rue_mohr: there is no flamible stuff 'downhill' of the whole setup
10:24 PM rue_mohr: not really
10:24 PM rue_mohr: so, latley I been using a smaller pot made from a steel CO2 cylinder,
10:25 PM Tom_L: hmm
10:25 PM rue_mohr: but its been getting too soft and its been collapsing
10:25 PM rue_mohr: I tired to hammer it back cold and it said no
10:25 PM rue_mohr: so I need to take it up cherry red and heave it back with some steel
10:25 PM rue_mohr: in the meantime, I'm using the old pot
10:25 PM rue_mohr: which is like ~2L
10:26 PM rue_mohr: and randomly springs leaks
10:27 PM rue_mohr: I fixed the workflow a bit
10:27 PM rue_mohr: the table is by where the casting is done, so I dont have to carry the mold half way across the yard
10:27 PM rue_mohr: and the table saw was moved uphill
10:28 PM rue_mohr: I'm pondering getting a natural gas port put in so I dont need the propane
10:28 PM Tom_L: which is hotter?
10:29 PM rue_mohr: propane
10:29 PM rue_mohr: so, where I am is mostly a summer tourist trap
10:30 PM rue_mohr: on a weekend (esp a long one) you CANNOT get BBQ propane anywhere
10:30 PM rue_mohr: you would be surprised how many long weekends I run out of propane for casting