#garfield Logs

May 19 2024

#garfield Calendar

03:46 AM rue_mohr: I ordered at the same time, the JLCPCB package arrived first...
04:01 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1310641.jpg
04:01 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1310642.jpg
04:01 AM rue_mohr: got one assembled but I need more connectors (on route from china)
04:01 AM rue_mohr: oh and I cast more clamps
04:01 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1310637.jpg
04:37 PM polprog: two forest fires today
04:37 PM polprog: http://0x0.st/XPVq.jpg
04:37 PM polprog: http://0x0.st/XPVb.jpg
04:37 PM polprog: we were finishing breakfast and we smelt some burning wood
04:38 PM polprog: but we thought it was neighbours starting a grill
04:38 PM polprog: but then we saw smoke and heard the fire brigade stop close
04:38 PM polprog: so we wrapped up and ran to the car to escape (there is just one road)
04:38 PM Tom_L: seems you made it
04:38 PM polprog: but they put it out quickly
04:38 PM Tom_L: good
04:38 PM polprog: yeah it was a small fire
04:39 PM polprog: grandparents said they wanna stay and theyll come back later
04:39 PM polprog: 6pm we get a call from them
04:39 PM polprog: "there was another fire in the same place"
04:39 PM polprog: turns out the overhead line started it
04:39 PM polprog: trees grew so much in the last 30 years they are now touching it
04:40 PM Tom_L: they don't clear for the power lines?
04:40 PM polprog: yet nobody called the power company to tell them to haul their ass here and trim them (code says its on them)
04:40 PM polprog: its a rural area, some houses dont even have an address here
04:40 PM polprog: some arent even documented to begin with
04:41 PM polprog: looks like they forgot about this branch of the power grid
04:41 PM polprog: its funny because as the line enters the forest area there is just 400 meters or something of overhead line
04:41 PM polprog: and 2 poles from this place where i took theese photos it goes into the ground
04:41 PM polprog: http://0x0.st/XPVT.jpg
04:43 PM polprog: http://0x0.st/XPVA.png
04:43 PM polprog: the 1-4 line is where the overhead line goes
04:43 PM polprog: rest is buried
04:46 PM rue_shop2: eek
04:46 PM rue_shop2: wow, trapped lots
04:46 PM rue_shop2: good city planning
04:48 PM polprog: ther was no planning there
04:48 PM polprog: 30 years ago the family which owned this whole patch and fields sold it piece by piece to various people who wanted to build lodges there
04:49 PM polprog: all by word
04:49 PM polprog: a lot of paperwork had to be done to legalize it all after it was done in the 2000's
04:50 PM polprog: also some cretin who owns 43/38 decided to put a pile of dirt across the road
04:50 PM polprog: so there is no thru road there
04:50 PM polprog: its a private road so he can do all he wants
04:50 PM polprog: but that leaves everyone there with 1 road to escape
04:50 PM polprog: because there is no thru road in the area above where 43/22 and 43/21 is
04:51 PM polprog: 43/21 is ours
04:51 PM polprog: to the left of it theres one house and then there's some holes so deep its hard to walk let alone go by car
04:51 PM polprog: and the owner put a fence there so there is no escape there either
04:52 PM polprog: also you can see how the network evolved
04:52 PM polprog: there is a line that goes zig zag from 1 to our house on 43/21
04:53 PM polprog: and all a few other houses, 43/31, 43/38 and 43/42
04:53 PM polprog: all the other houses get power via the lines buried along the road edge which was built later
08:19 PM rue_mohr: ok, great progress on the rpm meter for the cnc