#garfield Logs

May 16 2024

#garfield Calendar

12:26 AM rue_mohr: oh fiasco with getting my truck serviced
12:39 AM rue_mohr: life is complex sometimes
12:47 AM rue_mohr: on vacation, kinda getting a lot done
12:47 AM rue_mohr: today was a loss tho
02:58 AM rue_shop2: haha the driveway sensor works, kinda, its streaming false triggers
03:19 AM rue_shop2: the power converter is doing strange things
03:19 AM rue_shop2: a cap seems to have solved it
03:21 AM rue_shop2: but another question got answered in working it out
03:21 AM rue_shop2: the mystery second input to the monitor is for the septic tank pump
03:22 AM rue_shop2: boo it didn't work
03:28 AM rue_shop2: ok, transmitter is working ok
03:32 AM rue_shop2: voltage didn't make it over the wire...
03:32 AM rue_shop2: think I know what I did wrong
03:38 AM rue_shop2: yay, I tied the relay common to ground not + like I was supposed to
08:48 AM aandrew: one of the things I miss about living here is having my own property to work on stuff. I mean it is nice that there's *zero* yardwork or upkeep but it comes at a pretty high cost (to me)
10:21 AM WormFeud is now known as WormFood
10:38 AM polprog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6q1iX-8eQu8
10:38 AM polprog: rue_shop2
10:38 AM polprog: what song is that?
10:53 AM aandrew: I can't identify it and neither can my phone
10:56 AM aandrew: actually that sounds a lot like some remix of "I will survive"
11:00 AM polprog: good because contentID cant identify it either
11:01 AM polprog: no ID = no strike B)
11:02 AM aandrew: hah
11:32 AM rue_mohr: hah, what did you use a speaker... ahahah
11:33 AM rue_mohr: polprog, its "look ma, no computer"
11:33 AM rue_mohr: (the artist)
11:33 AM polprog: ahh
11:33 AM polprog: rue_mohr: thats the speaker i had at hand
11:33 AM rue_mohr: is it amplified?
11:34 AM rue_mohr: where is the serial adapter?
11:34 AM rue_mohr: oh on the left...
11:34 AM rue_mohr: polprog, well, what do you think???
11:35 AM rue_mohr: did it work better than you thoguht?
11:35 AM rue_mohr: was it easier than you thought?
11:40 AM polprog: yeah!
11:40 AM polprog: now we gotta convince phil to do it
11:40 AM polprog: on mastodon
11:58 AM rue_mohr: ok, I tried.
11:59 AM rue_mohr: polprog, should I re-arrange the readme and put all the player stuff at the top?
12:01 PM polprog: yeah
12:01 PM polprog: i gotta go for a while
12:41 PM rue_mohr: thanks
12:53 PM rue_mohr: hmm
12:54 PM rue_mohr: the esp8266 for my driveway system is working, its connecting to the message server and sending the messages
12:54 PM rue_mohr: but
12:54 PM rue_mohr: part of the rest of the system is a bit tangled up
12:54 PM rue_mohr: the daemon that watches the bus and plays audio files is tied to an avr that does IO stuff
12:55 PM rue_mohr: I should re-arrange that
12:55 PM rue_mohr: so the IO stuff is just tied to the bus and there is a seperate audio daemon
12:56 PM rue_mohr: breakfast is important
01:45 PM rue_shop2: so
01:45 PM rue_shop2: I need a current detector for the septic pump
01:46 PM rue_shop2: I have a CT 0-10A in, 05V out
01:46 PM rue_shop2: if I use a germanium transistor I should be able to detect down to 0.8A or so?
04:57 PM aandrew: for that kind of stuff I woudln't try to be slick
04:58 PM aandrew: CT -> comparator -> logic signal out when septic pump runs
04:59 PM aandrew: I'd double it up (two CTs, two physically different package comaprators) and I'd also have two sensors on the "run" signal too -- so you can tell if your pump *should* be running and be able to alarm when a sensor fails or the pump doesn't run when it should
05:57 PM rue_shop2: its just an operation monitor, its not a fail alarm
05:57 PM rue_shop2: there is a big loud alarm that goes off on high high level
05:57 PM rue_shop2: (its a grey water transfer pump, so again, no major disasters available)
08:54 PM aandrew: sure, but I typically overengineer things
09:27 PM rue_mohr: I have no idea how much power the pump pulls and its non-trivial to trigger