#garfield Logs

May 04 2024

#garfield Calendar

03:04 AM rue_mohr: work gets a bit funkey over the next while
03:17 AM rue_mohr: week after next I have off
04:51 PM rue_shop2: polprog, WELL!?
10:45 PM rue_mohr: am I alone?
10:48 PM rue_mohr: never
10:48 PM rue_mohr: but
10:49 PM rue_mohr: its just not quite as reflective as you would like
10:49 PM rue_mohr: but, I want a hacking party
10:49 PM rue_mohr: they just dont exist
10:49 PM rue_mohr: so, cant I make one then?
10:50 PM rue_mohr: you tried that, 100% failure
10:50 PM rue_mohr: but
10:50 PM rue_mohr: and it ate a LOT of resources
10:50 PM rue_mohr: do I have to give up?
10:50 PM rue_mohr: no you can die trying to push the pull door IF YOU WANT
10:50 PM rue_mohr: how do I pull it?
10:51 PM rue_mohr: if I just gave you the answer, it wouldn't mean as much
10:51 PM rue_mohr: but
10:51 PM rue_mohr: its a puzzle, you need to figure it out
10:51 PM rue_mohr: I'm out of edges to pry at tho
10:51 PM rue_mohr: so dont, try things that seem pointless
10:51 PM rue_mohr: but I need to know why
10:52 PM rue_mohr: cart, horse, dont try to put them in a boilerplate order
10:52 PM rue_mohr: your a hard one to be stuck with to talk to
10:52 PM rue_mohr: yea, well, I exist, build me up
10:52 PM rue_mohr: I need to build me tho
10:53 PM rue_mohr: maybe its the same?
10:53 PM rue_mohr: I think its more than I can do
10:53 PM rue_mohr: well, there is no help, so...
10:53 PM rue_mohr: cant get caught depressed
10:53 PM rue_mohr: yup, you have to charge on
10:54 PM rue_mohr: its hard in the face of so much futility
10:54 PM rue_mohr: in the end, everything is futile
10:54 PM rue_mohr: so, why bother
10:54 PM rue_mohr: to have fun in the meantime
10:54 PM rue_mohr: its all to have fun?
10:54 PM rue_mohr: some people miss that
10:55 PM rue_mohr: there is so much work to stay upright tho
10:55 PM rue_mohr: there are two methods to defeat
10:55 PM rue_mohr: right, overpower and underpower
10:55 PM rue_mohr: yup
10:56 PM rue_mohr: I need help disconnecting for a bit
10:56 PM rue_mohr: feel like you need the perspective eh?
10:56 PM rue_mohr: yup
10:57 PM rue_mohr: are there less people than there used to be
10:57 PM rue_mohr: yes, almost all gone
10:57 PM rue_mohr: can I do anything
10:57 PM rue_mohr: no, you will inevitably be the only one left
10:57 PM rue_mohr: will I go crazy?
10:57 PM rue_mohr: there are ways not to
10:58 PM rue_mohr: what do I do
10:58 PM rue_mohr: I cant just tell you
10:58 PM rue_mohr: but
10:58 PM rue_mohr: you need to design it yourself
10:58 PM rue_mohr: what if I fail?
10:59 PM rue_mohr: thats just evolution
10:59 PM rue_mohr: thanks
11:01 PM Tom_L: u 2 having fun?
11:01 PM rue_mohr: the world is quiet
11:01 PM Tom_L: mostly
11:01 PM rue_mohr: ludicrously quie
11:01 PM rue_mohr: t
11:02 PM rue_mohr: I need someone to talk to
11:02 PM rue_mohr: who can understand what I'm saying
11:02 PM rue_mohr: and thats so hard
11:02 PM rue_mohr: I did a supercool thing today, a few people understand it
11:03 PM rue_mohr: https://github.com/ruenahcmohr/115kaudio
11:09 PM rue_mohr: you lost him
11:09 PM rue_mohr: I always do :]
11:09 PM Tom_L: was looking
11:09 PM rue_mohr: yay, your still here
11:10 PM Tom_L: yeah it's a lonely world
11:10 PM Tom_L: nobody really appreciates projects much
11:10 PM rue_mohr: doesn't help that I'm here
11:10 PM rue_mohr: but I'm glad I dont have to commericialize it all for a living
11:11 PM rue_mohr: so many people are taken that I do it for fun
11:11 PM Tom_L: the one i'm helping with is taking shape
11:11 PM rue_mohr: :]
11:11 PM rue_mohr: were you able to get it going on your machine/
11:11 PM Tom_L: got it working at the hal level now
11:11 PM Tom_L: no
11:12 PM rue_mohr: hmm
11:12 PM Tom_L: but that's a product of old hardware
11:12 PM rue_mohr: how new does the hardware have to be to spool a cnc file?
11:12 PM Tom_L: i have a mb i could use but it needs a box
11:12 PM Tom_L: it will run on a rpi
11:12 PM rue_mohr: k
11:13 PM rue_mohr: pi's are startig to get used for stupid stuff
11:13 PM Tom_L: but i tried it and my config for the mill is too agressive
11:13 PM Tom_L: for the rpi
11:13 PM rue_mohr: getting annoyed with it
11:13 PM Tom_L: and i haven't had a chance to work on that part of it
11:14 PM rue_mohr: week after next I have off work
11:14 PM Tom_L: saw that
11:14 PM rue_mohr: ah
11:14 PM rue_mohr: if you were building a robot body, what would you want to replace first?
11:14 PM rue_mohr: hands, legs?
11:15 PM Tom_L: you can survive without alot of it but what's the most useful?
11:15 PM Tom_L: that should go last
11:16 PM rue_mohr: so, when I'm working I sit cross legged on my feet
11:16 PM rue_mohr: one of you young guys at work was shocked and said there is no way he can do that
11:16 PM rue_mohr: it was quite an "errrr" moment
11:16 PM Tom_L: young?
11:17 PM rue_mohr: cant actually sit like that for long before my feet go completely numb
11:17 PM Tom_L: not talking to me then
11:17 PM rue_mohr: less than an hour
11:17 PM rue_mohr: younger than I am
11:17 PM rue_mohr: by a lot
11:17 PM Tom_L: 20's
11:17 PM rue_mohr: amazing how fast we get old
11:17 PM rue_mohr: I'm trying to check just where I am
11:18 PM rue_mohr: At work I saw so many people that didn't realize they were at the end of their life
11:18 PM rue_mohr: completely snuck up on them
11:18 PM Tom_L: you just live until you don't
11:18 PM rue_mohr: sitting at the home listening to a volunteer play piano
11:18 PM Tom_L: see one thing i know is the brain does not record time
11:18 PM rue_mohr: I'm determined to escape the cycle
11:18 PM Tom_L: it records events
11:19 PM Tom_L: you and so many before
11:19 PM rue_mohr: I know
11:19 PM rue_mohr: I hope that I have a better handle on just how old I am
11:20 PM Tom_L: you won't
11:22 PM Tom_L: kid had a close one at work
11:22 PM rue_mohr: !?
11:23 PM Tom_L: pic coming
11:23 PM rue_mohr: if you time is up, fate will do anything to end you.
11:23 PM rue_mohr: same if its not, it'll break all the odds
11:30 PM Tom_L: he was shoveling chips into a dumpster from one of the machines when the noob decided to jog the machine and the machine shoved the dumpster right at my kid who was using the broken broom you see: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/cincinnati/Wall.jpg
11:31 PM Tom_L: so he dodged a bullet then lectured the noob for half an hour before the super came and told him to walk away to which the super lectured him another half an our or so
11:31 PM Tom_L: that's what the dumpster did to the wall
11:32 PM Tom_L: those machines don't stop for anything
11:32 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/cincinnati/Cincinnati_1.jpg
11:34 PM Tom_L: http://tom-itx.no-ip.biz:81/~webpage/cnc/cincinnati/Cincinnati_6.jpg
11:34 PM Tom_L: kinda like that
11:39 PM rue_mohr: there is no lockout?
11:39 PM Tom_L: i don't think so on those
11:39 PM rue_mohr: :/
11:42 PM Tom_L: you have to clear the chips like that on those since they're so big
11:44 PM Tom_L: the other kid had to work under a lockdown since an employee out in the factory was fired an threatened to come back and shoot up the place
11:45 PM Tom_L: cops were posted around the property and nobody was allowed in or out unless they belonged there