#garfield Logs

Apr 19 2024

#garfield Calendar

12:31 PM rue_mohr: no, just want berries this year....
01:09 PM aandrew: I have a raspberry patch in the back of the lot, not cultivated or anything but it's a nice summer snack if you can get to them before the birds do
01:09 PM aandrew: apparently this year is gonna be bad for cicadas, it's gonna be really noisy because we're backing on to a conservation area with shitloads of trees
01:10 PM rue_mohr: hmm
01:11 PM Tom_L: we get purple bird poop from blueberry trees
01:13 PM aandrew: we get purple bird poop because grackles are fucking gross
01:13 PM rue_mohr: heh
01:14 PM aandrew: heh actually one year I could not figure out why my car windows looked like a bird had flown into them and there was a ton of birdshit down the door and on the ground. clean it and a day later it's back
01:14 PM aandrew: then I noticed the sideview mirrors were all full of grease/oil/something in a really scattered pattern
01:14 PM aandrew: stupid birds noticed themselves in the mirror and were attacking their reflection
01:15 PM rue_mohr: heh
01:15 PM rue_mohr: so, today I need to get some progress on the Y axis.
01:15 PM rue_mohr: of the big cnc
01:15 PM aandrew: and we manage to kill one or two robins every year because they fly into the garage window and break their necks
01:16 PM rue_mohr: fake bird outline
01:17 PM rue_mohr: wait, aren't you in a new house in the states?
01:17 PM aandrew: yeah I know I should put one of those on that window
01:17 PM aandrew: and yes, I'm in southern california but the house back in ontario hasn't sold yet
01:18 PM aandrew: and depending on what this fucking company is going to do in the next month to six weeks... I might be going back home
01:18 PM rue_mohr: ooo
03:30 PM rue_mohr: paid the bills
03:30 PM rue_mohr: - strip down printers
03:30 PM rue_mohr: - fertilizer for raspberries!
03:30 PM rue_mohr: - assemble Y axis for cnc
03:30 PM Tom_L: anything left after the bills?
03:31 PM Tom_L: what do raspberries like to eat?
03:31 PM rue_mohr: none of them went insane
03:31 PM rue_mohr: about $100 ea
03:31 PM rue_mohr: I'm going to give them chicken manure (compost mix)
04:10 PM aandrew: did you do the strawberries?
04:29 PM rue_mohr: yes
04:30 PM rue_mohr: my get-up-and-go seems to have come out of winter hybernation
04:30 PM rue_mohr: I just got back with the fertilizer and I got all the cheques in the wallet deposited
04:36 PM aandrew: I checked my wallet... no cheques. :-(
04:37 PM rue_mohr: two GST cheques and one form ICBC
04:37 PM rue_mohr: all giving me some of my money bacl
08:34 PM rue_mohr: ok, table traversal in 3 second
08:34 PM rue_mohr: s
08:35 PM rue_mohr: for the X axis, thats 1m/s
08:35 PM rue_mohr: so for the Y axis, thats 0.5m/s
08:35 PM rue_mohr: the pulley is.
08:35 PM rue_mohr: ..
08:37 PM rue_mohr: 12cm/rev
08:38 PM rue_mohr: so 4.167 revs/sec
08:38 PM rue_mohr: 250 RPM
08:38 PM rue_mohr: the gearbox is 55:1
08:39 PM rue_mohr: damnit, thats 13.75kRPM going in
08:39 PM rue_mohr: I need that number to be 10k max
08:40 PM rue_mohr: lets target 8k
08:40 PM rue_mohr: days max gear ratio is 32:1
08:40 PM rue_mohr: back to the pile?
08:41 PM rue_mohr: or we just go with what we have...
09:08 PM rue_mohr: degrees
09:08 PM rue_mohr: lets say our positioning ability on the motor shaft is 15 degrees
09:09 PM rue_mohr: on the table we want 0.1mm
09:09 PM rue_mohr: there is supposed to be a 10x in there and I dont know where it goes
09:09 PM rue_mohr: so,
09:10 PM rue_mohr: 12cm is 360 degrees
09:11 PM rue_mohr: so 0.1mm is 0.3 degrees
09:11 PM rue_mohr: according to that, I need a min of 50:1