#garfield Logs

Jun 11 2022

#garfield Calendar

04:43 AM Tom_L: morning
10:23 AM Tom_L: .
10:58 AM rue_bed: hmm not sure how long the fastner shop is open
11:09 AM Tom_L: probably not on saturday
11:10 AM rue_mohr: yup they do a partial day
11:14 AM Tom_L: rivets? staples? nails? screws?
11:15 AM rue_mohr: mostly screws and bolts
11:16 AM rue_mohr: https://www.google.ca/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x54863fcf6b2e0dc5%3A0xe9cf037f71a5d955!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipO9P2TVUtXoR7Dt0laNqq4F2y6xXZVvcPZ40IQB%3Dw190-h143-k-no!5sgibsons%20fasteners%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipO9P2TVUtXoR7Dt0laNqq4F2y6xXZVvcPZ40IQB&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiN1PPg5aX4AhUdGDQIHYTRBaoQoip6BAhCEAM
11:16 AM rue_mohr: there is no website as such
11:20 AM Tom_L: quite the little hole in the wall
11:20 AM Tom_L: i like the old fashioned hardware stores you never see now
11:20 AM rue_mohr: they have much more stuff than shown
11:21 AM rue_mohr: you can walk in and ask for just about anything and they have it
11:21 AM Tom_L: kinda like my metal surplus store
11:21 AM rue_mohr: I got some M8 threaded rod once, got home and found out it was the wrong pitch, called them back and they had the other in stock for an exchange
11:23 AM Tom_L: the one i went to years ago had bins of nails etc and you just clawed up some and weighed em, stuffed em in a sack and on your way
12:14 PM rue_mohr: ok, crashy!
12:36 PM rue_mohr: aandrew, there is something curious
12:36 PM rue_mohr: your open to the wood on the top of your posts
12:37 PM rue_mohr: I kinda wonder if its acting as a moisture ... wick?
12:37 PM rue_mohr: I think the water ingress is usually via humidity and condensation
12:38 PM rue_mohr: the boxes I normally see full of water are completely closed up
04:55 PM rue_shop3: workin on stuff for the skeletonics thing
04:56 PM Tom_L: yet another project
05:00 PM rue_mohr: yea
05:00 PM rue_mohr: I want to set up the injector tommorow for another go
07:40 PM aandrew: rue_mohr: correct, the pergola "legs" have a hole drilled down the center of them. I have the electrical box at the top of that hole, and the electrical box has a hole in the bottom of it lined up with that hole in the "leg"
07:42 PM aandrew: the bottom of the electrical ox is not sealed against the top of the leg though, and that is what I suspect is the source of the water that filled the hole and came pouring out of the light when I loosened the screws which held it against the side
08:23 PM rue_mohr: hmm
10:00 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1240418.jpg