#garfield Logs

Feb 28 2020

#garfield Calendar

12:15 AM rue_mohr: digikey, ... what was it called...
12:21 AM rue_mohr: easywick or something
12:21 AM rue_mohr: I can get it tommorow if you remind me
12:56 AM X704 is now known as tiwake
05:45 AM polprog: rue_mohr: i messaged the seller, says they will ship it to poland for 3 eur. thats okay. now i need to make german ebay let me buy it
08:38 AM X704 is now known as tiwake
11:26 AM polprog: https://polprog.net/rozne1/ircjunk/pal-rigol.svg
11:26 AM polprog: gnuplot + CSVs from the riglol
03:31 PM rue_mohr: nice
03:31 PM rue_mohr: I wonder if inkscape can turn the eps into an svg
03:32 PM rue_mohr: and polprog what did you do to the pullup resistor?
03:32 PM polprog: what pullup?
03:41 PM polprog: also hi rue_mohr :)
03:47 PM polprog: what kind of mess is ebay these days
03:47 PM polprog: i cant request total from the seller. it just errors out. no matter what i do i get some dull error...
03:48 PM polprog: so now i have a bunch of items from the same seller, all proces agreed on via best offers, yet i cant buy it
03:48 PM polprog: because ill pay shipping 4 times!
03:48 PM polprog: and i cant request total. WTF
04:34 PM rue_mohr: I give up on ebay YEARS ago
04:34 PM polprog: i think i know why
04:34 PM rue_mohr: ali has escro too
04:34 PM rue_mohr: there is a ticker when your coverage expires
04:35 PM polprog: but the items i bought have their stock count lowered so they are in my cart. we have to work this out
04:35 PM rue_mohr: unlike ebay, where you never actaully know when the refund period starts or ends
04:35 PM polprog: i got the dot matrix printer to work, you know?
04:35 PM rue_mohr: you could probably pay them directly and get them to shop
04:35 PM rue_mohr: cool
04:35 PM rue_mohr: got ink?
04:36 PM polprog: if all else fails ill just finish that outside ebay, it seems shady though
04:36 PM polprog: yeah. got a new ink ribbon two years ago :P
04:39 PM polprog: nighters
04:40 PM polprog: i was hoping id already have the scope to play with the high speed cmos ics, but no
04:40 PM polprog: bloody idiots at ebay
04:40 PM polprog: youd think its easy to get a scope and a probe kit from IL, to warsaw polan.
04:41 PM polprog: if this is not fixed on thursday, ill just call the seller and talk..
04:49 PM polprog: i think inkscape can open EPS
04:49 PM polprog: where did you get an EPS file from?
04:49 PM Tom_L: .
04:52 PM Tom_L: what's up?
04:53 PM polprog: not much. enjoying the weekend, uni gets up to speed after winter break...
04:53 PM Tom_L: what year are you?
04:54 PM polprog: 2000
04:55 PM Tom_L: you just starting or about done with the uni?
04:56 PM polprog: just starting. second semester now, out of six
04:56 PM Tom_L: having fun yet?
04:56 PM polprog: yeah :)
04:56 PM polprog: this semester we start physics and photonics lab
05:03 PM polprog: oh, ebay support responded
05:03 PM polprog: good
08:25 PM rue_mohr: ok I got sick today :S
08:25 PM rue_mohr: see if this one rolls over me like all the others did
08:25 PM rue_mohr: "no, your ok, we were just kidding"
08:25 PM rue_mohr: polprog, the scope outputs the EPS directly
08:26 PM rue_mohr: I use inkscape to open the eps and make the pngs out of them
08:26 PM * Tom_L disinfects the monitor
08:29 PM Tom_L: your new scope outputs a file?
08:29 PM rue_mohr: yea
08:29 PM rue_mohr: to the serial port
08:29 PM rue_mohr: it can save to hard drive, floppy disc, serial port, or parallel port
08:29 PM Tom_L: and you wrote a python to capture it?
08:30 PM rue_mohr: the serial port can only do 19200 baud, so I think I'm gonna make a stm32 that emulates a printer and forwards data at 115200
08:30 PM Tom_L: oh the scope will save it to your hdd?
08:30 PM rue_mohr: no, C
08:30 PM Tom_L: mmm
08:30 PM rue_mohr: no its HD
08:30 PM Tom_L: ahh
08:30 PM rue_mohr: you can save traces as references and things
08:30 PM rue_mohr: it looks like its set up for production testing
08:31 PM Tom_L: huh
08:31 PM rue_mohr: you set up a param limits thing, test your device and it gives you a pass/fail
08:31 PM rue_mohr: and you can save them, so you can set up a bunch when doing alternating testings
08:31 PM rue_mohr: its a really cool scope!
08:32 PM Tom_L: sounds like it
08:32 PM rue_mohr: you know, a VGA video capture box might make for some interesting videos
08:32 PM rue_mohr: (its got a vga output)
09:34 PM rue_mohr: Tom_L,
09:34 PM rue_mohr: your area
09:35 PM rue_mohr: do you think you could find a 400Hz 1->1.5 HP motor?
09:35 PM rue_mohr: low rpm, 3500 or so
09:35 PM rue_mohr: aircraft scrap
10:20 PM Tom_L: not low voltage i doubt
10:20 PM Tom_L: not anymore
10:21 PM Tom_L: boeing surplus closed here and the other place with all the aluminum doesn't get good stuff like that anymore
10:21 PM rue_mohr: hmm
10:22 PM Tom_L: stuff pops up every so often but it's fewer and farther between
10:23 PM Tom_L: boeing surplus was were i got my hp pen plotter once
10:23 PM Tom_L: they had a whole shitload of them
10:23 PM Tom_L: all the good places are dying off here it seems
10:30 PM rue_mohr: yep, but
10:30 PM rue_mohr: all the manufacturing that moved to china
10:30 PM rue_mohr: might come back
10:31 PM rue_mohr: lots of companies that moved everything to china are really getting burned right now
10:37 PM rue_shop2: see if my pcb software still works
10:37 PM rue_shop2: been a long time since I turned 'er on
10:59 PM X704 is now known as tiwake
11:02 PM rue_mohr: there!