#garfield Logs

Dec 16 2018

#garfield Calendar

12:22 AM Tom_L: pile of minor code changes done...
01:26 PM rue_mohr: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/natural-resource-use/natural-resource-permits/christmas-tree-permits
02:35 PM furrywolf: either one. just not lead-free. :)
02:35 PM furrywolf: grr,wrong window
04:30 PM Tom_itx: fit right in with the christmas tree permits..
09:08 PM Tom_itx: nope... didn't miss anything
09:08 PM zhanx: Nope
09:09 PM Tom_itx: gave my program a minor facelift over the last couple days
09:11 PM Tom_itx: when it was written there were no cell phones etc so i added support for them and a few other things
09:11 PM Tom_itx: got the texting integrated into it now as well
09:14 PM zhanx: nice
09:14 PM zhanx: I am working on a 2d wall plotter bot for the kid
09:15 PM Tom_itx: no 'oh wow' stuff but it's rather helpful
09:15 PM zhanx: I need to primer and paint the kids rooms, so I can test the wall bot on it
09:25 PM zhanx: so Tom_itx you know i live out in low tech land where most people have smart phone but not computers.
09:26 PM zhanx: it was my 5 year olds birthday party today, and he wanted me to print a bunch of gear figgit spinners
09:26 PM zhanx: most of the parents had never heard of 3d printing
09:28 PM Tom_itx: hah
09:28 PM Tom_itx: those things have run their course around here
09:29 PM zhanx: they will never get main stream i think
09:29 PM zhanx: too many issues and problems
09:31 PM zhanx: by next year I will have a fully tuned one and it will sit idle watch
09:31 PM Tom_itx: printer?
09:31 PM zhanx: yep
09:31 PM zhanx: mine works great but needs tweaking now and then
09:32 PM Tom_itx: i thought you were talking about spinners
09:32 PM zhanx: oh those, yea on the little kids like them here
09:32 PM rue_shop3: finally doing a bit on my 4th machine
09:33 PM rue_shop3: apparently I got a LOT of parts before china closed
09:33 PM rue_shop3: but I been changing the design too fast, I cant work out what are current parts or not
09:34 PM zhanx: rue_shop3, you box is going out the first, I had to pay to fill the propane tanks and have one changed
09:34 PM rue_shop3: ? np
09:34 PM rue_shop3: cool stuff
09:34 PM rue_shop3: so, the printers doing pretty good now then?
09:34 PM zhanx: yep
09:35 PM zhanx: I have a slight issue with vibration in the print, but from what I can find its lower than most
09:35 PM rue_shop3: its surprising how many people dont know anything about 3d printing eh?
09:35 PM Tom_itx: i don't know anything about it really
09:35 PM zhanx: Tom_itx, its a learning curve you can easily do
09:35 PM furrywolf: I know enough to know it's not suitable for most things I want to do.
09:35 PM Tom_itx: i'm sure i could but i'm not
09:36 PM rue_shop3: Tom_itx, its just REALLY hard to not try to totally redesign the first one you make
09:36 PM Tom_itx: furrywolf some of the nice ones would be i bet
09:36 PM zhanx: rue_shop3, that is why I think i am not gonna worry about the gear box, my machine works now
09:36 PM zhanx: why change it
09:36 PM Tom_itx: rue_shop3, that's what cad is for
09:37 PM Tom_itx: design many build once
09:37 PM rue_shop3: the default design has tones of horrid things
09:37 PM rue_shop3: I been gradually tuning up the machines
09:37 PM rue_shop3: they get better every time
09:37 PM zhanx: furrywolf, I printed a part at 80% infill as a test a tube. thing is strong enough to jack up my suv
09:37 PM Tom_itx: it's gonna be a sad day when you can't buy a car anymore
09:37 PM rue_shop3: esp with the new linear slides I'm using
09:37 PM Tom_itx: ford & GM both are dropping most of their lines
09:38 PM rue_shop3: oil prices
09:38 PM zhanx: no emission laws
09:38 PM Tom_itx: market is saturated
09:38 PM rue_shop3: they didn't get into electric, so die!
09:38 PM zhanx: rue_shop3, I live 30 miles from town
09:38 PM rue_shop3: saturated cause nobody is buying new cars, casue everyone is selling their extra cars cause of gas prices
09:39 PM zhanx: gas prices are dropping here
09:39 PM rue_shop3: its artificial
09:39 PM rue_shop3: its gonna skyrocket
09:39 PM Tom_itx: it is currently 1.93 here and got down to 1.89 a week ago
09:39 PM rue_shop3: higher and faster than you can imagine
09:39 PM rue_shop3: wait for it :)
09:39 PM Tom_itx: yeah it will go back up i know
09:40 PM zhanx: for CA, you guys are doing the carbon tax
09:40 PM Tom_itx: they usually try to do it around this time of year
09:40 PM zhanx: rue_shop3, you see i am printing a 2d wall plotter bot
09:41 PM rue_shop3: yep, caught that
09:41 PM zhanx: Tom_itx, that is a dollar less than what i pay due to taxes
09:41 PM Tom_itx: they opened up alot of wells around here within the last year or so
09:42 PM zhanx: who's bot is Telunus
09:42 PM rue_shop3: I think in 3-5 years its gonna go to $7.50/gal
09:42 PM rue_shop3: its a person
09:42 PM zhanx: k
09:42 PM Tom_itx: it hit around 4 here at it's highest
09:42 PM rue_shop3: one of the robotics students iirc
09:43 PM zhanx: well i get 35 mpg in my suv so I am ok for now
09:43 PM Tom_itx: i've witnessed .23 in my lifetime :D
09:43 PM zhanx: .67 cents was the lowest I remember and the first time I bought gas
09:43 PM Tom_itx: .19 during a 'gas war'
09:43 PM zhanx: poor rue_shop3 buys per liter
09:49 PM Tom_itx: what's it cost to fill your propane?
09:49 PM Tom_itx: 4-500?
09:51 PM zhanx: 395 and 250 for the replacement tank, 150 for a wood roof to prevent the tanks from getting fucked up again
09:52 PM Tom_itx: you burn wood up there too?
09:52 PM zhanx: i have twin 250 gallon tanks
09:52 PM zhanx: no
09:53 PM zhanx: only reason it was 250 for the tank, was my kids trampoline is in the way and they had to crane it out
09:54 PM zhanx: so come spring I am pulling the anchors on it and moving it 50 to the right
09:56 PM zhanx: Tom_itx, my heat bill for the whole winter is about 800 and then the propane lasts me the entire summer and part of the winter
10:04 PM rue_mohr: you would be screwed if your landlord decided to sell wouldn't ya?
10:05 PM zhanx: I have first dips and they are covering the cost of the tank and roof out of next months rent
10:06 PM rue_mohr: hmm
10:06 PM zhanx: i had the money they didn't
10:06 PM zhanx: they are a nice old couple trust me
10:07 PM zhanx: every repair i have done they take off the rent and to include painting
10:07 PM rue_mohr: do your dibbs zurp the inheritors?
10:08 PM zhanx: they did it for me, they moved to Florida
10:09 PM rue_mohr: oooh, I wanted to play more but I'm out of juice
10:09 PM rue_mohr: maybe I can get this belt on before I'm done
10:09 PM rue_mohr: zhanx, !
10:09 PM furrywolf: that's a curse for guys everywhere.
10:09 PM rue_mohr: ok, gawd my memory is horrid
10:09 PM rue_mohr: 3d scanner
10:09 PM rue_mohr: ok
10:09 PM zhanx: oh
10:09 PM rue_mohr: rpi
10:09 PM rue_mohr: w/camera
10:10 PM zhanx: ok
10:10 PM rue_mohr: pi controls laser and motor
10:10 PM zhanx: i saw those, think i should do it?
10:10 PM rue_mohr: image w/laser off, image w/laser on
10:10 PM rue_mohr: delta luma
10:10 PM zhanx: I am doing that now
10:10 PM zhanx: not the delta luma tho
10:10 PM rue_mohr: rpi sends out stream of angle/line_position
10:11 PM rue_mohr: on a pi?
10:11 PM zhanx: well i have a beaglebone black not a pi
10:11 PM rue_mohr: does it have built in camera?
10:12 PM zhanx: no but I have a 1080p camera
10:12 PM zhanx: 3 of them
10:12 PM rue_mohr: the pi cams are so much better than standard usb camera
10:12 PM rue_mohr: ok, hmm
10:12 PM rue_mohr: how are you delta'ing the images?
10:12 PM zhanx: drone cameras for tracking remember
10:12 PM zhanx: I am not, yet
10:12 PM zhanx: I was taking them both and doing that later
10:13 PM rue_mohr: oooh
10:13 PM rue_mohr: you can take a bunch of images with no laser to get training data for a ____ filter
10:13 PM rue_mohr: a ________ filter
10:13 PM rue_mohr: damnit...
10:13 PM zhanx: now your adding to it
10:13 PM rue_mohr: a <NULL> filter
10:14 PM rue_mohr: kl...
10:14 PM zhanx: I know what filter you mean but really?
10:14 PM rue_mohr: well, to use those you need noise training
10:14 PM rue_mohr: or profile
10:14 PM zhanx: I was going to noise filter only as a profile
10:14 PM rue_mohr: kn....
10:15 PM zhanx: kalmen
10:15 PM rue_mohr: aha! that!
10:15 PM rue_mohr: kalman
10:15 PM zhanx: yea i never spell it right
10:15 PM rue_mohr: anyhow
10:15 PM rue_mohr: yea
10:15 PM Tom_itx: kahlman?
10:15 PM zhanx: you know i can write a kalman filter i did it on elf and did not know it was done before
10:15 PM rue_mohr: maybe
10:16 PM rue_mohr: :) yea
10:16 PM rue_mohr: thats why your the guy
10:17 PM zhanx: yea I know, i need to make 3 updates to the scanner first
10:17 PM zhanx: then I can finish the code, write a gui and push it
10:17 PM rue_mohr: so, if we know the first and last pixel of the scan line that shows the laser line, the assumption that the middle is your point should be pretty close
10:18 PM zhanx: i am not working tomorrow, but my kids are having a school thing so my day is shot
10:18 PM Tom_itx: mine drive themselves around.... yay!
10:18 PM zhanx: wait i have 2 lasers now
10:18 PM rue_mohr: I should update my rotary table to operate from a reprap driver
10:18 PM zhanx: So i have to process an X
10:18 PM rue_mohr: wtf?
10:19 PM rue_mohr: no, just a single line is fine...
10:19 PM zhanx: no its not
10:19 PM rue_mohr: ugh
10:19 PM zhanx: the res is off and the other point can double check the measurements
10:20 PM * rue_mohr slumps over the windowsil as zhanx goes down the other road
10:22 PM zhanx: hold on resetting up the printer for the wall mounts
10:27 PM zhanx: rue whats wrong with running a 3rd thread to do a offset distance measurement?
10:27 PM zhanx: an/a
10:41 PM rue_mohr: I needed a running partner to help make progress on my machine
10:43 PM zhanx: i just realized I have 5 20 foot usb cables
10:43 PM zhanx: so much for wiring this thing
10:45 PM zhanx: oh new bumblebee movie is out
10:47 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/reprap4/p1100844.jpg
10:47 PM rue_mohr: Y carrage is on
10:48 PM rue_mohr: tho, I'm not sure if the extruder is on backwards
10:49 PM zhanx: looks right
10:49 PM rue_mohr: yes and no, you wont recognize that carrage from anywhere
10:49 PM rue_mohr: its a first
10:49 PM zhanx: ok then
10:50 PM rue_mohr: its the only short version of the longer version I made thats the only one
10:50 PM rue_mohr: ouch 6 months
10:51 PM zhanx: ok bed
10:51 PM zhanx: or something