#garfield Logs

Jun 23 2017

#garfield Calendar

07:53 PM Tom_itx: rue_house
07:55 PM Tom_itx: how do i change GUI in debian? i hate xfce
07:57 PM rue_shop3: you usually just install a different one and it makes it the new default
07:58 PM rue_shop3: sometimes you need to go somewhere and configure something
08:03 PM Tom_shop: ok got the blown switch replaced
09:00 PM Tom_shop: rue_house, how do you enable backports?
09:01 PM Tom_shop: i'm trying to install mate as a GUI on wheezy
09:04 PM rue_shop3: cant help you much I usually just force/ break/ compile things
09:04 PM rue_shop3: its really a case-by-case
09:05 PM rue_shop3: debian is always 5 years behind, you just kinda have to go with that
09:08 PM Tom_shop: iirc the first time i tried the install it gave me a GUI option but i don't see it anymore
09:08 PM Tom_shop: this xfce sucks the big one
09:09 PM rue_shop3: on my main machine I use gnome and enlightenment
09:09 PM Tom_shop: however after the install my mill works :)
09:09 PM rue_shop3: the new E6 dosn't even work fro what I can tell
09:09 PM Tom_shop: how do you switch GUI?
09:09 PM rue_shop3: I usually install one I want to try and remove the one I dont
09:09 PM rue_shop3: its just the window manager
09:09 PM rue_shop3: finding out what the default is can be a pain
09:10 PM Tom_shop: gnome and mate are similar aren't they?
09:10 PM rue_shop3: the last time I sat down and set one up was about 10 years ago
09:10 PM Tom_shop: well i can live with this i just don't like it
09:10 PM Tom_shop: i'm just glad the mill fired up
09:11 PM rue_shop3: cool stuff
09:11 PM rue_shop3: fighting to stay awake
09:11 PM Tom_shop: i lost the GUI on ubuntu so i updated a ssd to debian and moved the config files over
09:11 PM Tom_shop: fired it right up
09:11 PM Tom_shop: no edits
09:11 PM rue_shop3: cool
09:11 PM Tom_shop: i was rather surprised
09:12 PM Tom_shop: now i'm gonna go back inside and fix up a cad cam file
09:12 PM rue_shop3: so, a ubuntu upgrade bailed?
09:12 PM Tom_shop: no
09:12 PM Tom_shop: it sat for a while and when i fired it up again the GUI was gone
09:13 PM Tom_shop: nothing happened between except time
09:13 PM Tom_shop: i couldn't figure it out
09:13 PM Tom_shop: picked up an el-cheapo 8" calipers after my nice fowler's died
09:14 PM Tom_shop: 6" is just not quite enough for alot of things
09:14 PM Tom_shop: couldn't justify anything bigger
09:14 PM rue_shop3: all week I could not get to te hardware store t buy masks
09:15 PM Tom_shop: i may cut some wood for the heck of it
09:16 PM rue_shop3: I want to work on the mecha hand, and the pipe bender, and uh
09:16 PM rue_shop3: cant think
09:16 PM rue_shop3: arg
09:16 PM Tom_shop: i need to make a couple tools for installing something to a certain depth with a hammer
09:16 PM Tom_shop: sorta like driving a nail to a specified depth
09:16 PM Tom_shop: but not quite
09:16 PM rue_shop3: take apart the medical machien
09:17 PM Tom_shop: what happened to kat?
09:24 PM rue_shop3: falling asleep aaing, going to wake up numb if I dont go tot bed
11:56 PM Tom_itx: cad file all ready for tomorrow
11:56 PM rue_house: what cha making?
11:56 PM Tom_itx: tooling
11:57 PM Tom_itx: for wood
11:57 PM rue_house: ah
11:57 PM rue_house: I need to be awake
11:57 PM Tom_itx: i'll do a quick catia model to show