#flex-dev Logs

Mar 02 2025

#flex-dev Calendar

04:23 AM Tom_L: morning
04:49 AM JT-Cave: morning from chicken pc
04:52 AM JT-Cave: installing debian 12 on the dev pc
05:31 AM JT-Chicken: well I got hexchat up and going but I think my pci nic is not working well
06:13 AM JT-Cave: finally debian install didn't include a zillion different languages
07:14 AM JT-Cave: flexgui push worked
07:45 AM JT-Cave: hmm I forgot how to create the default key for the repo
08:01 AM Tom_L: i just copy the ones i have on my thumb drive to .ssh
08:01 AM JT-Cave: gpg key
08:01 AM Tom_L: set the global user and email
08:02 AM JT-Cave: ssh has been copied and globals seet
08:02 AM Tom_dev: git config --global user.name "your name"
08:02 AM Tom_dev: git config --global user. email "your email"
08:03 AM JT-Cave: this is not git
08:03 AM JT-Cave: gpg
08:03 AM Tom_dev: ssh-keygen
08:03 AM JT-Cave: cat ~/mesact/apt-repo/dists/stable/Release | gpg --default-key
08:04 AM Tom_dev: i dunno that i did that
08:04 AM JT-Cave: this is for the apt repo
08:04 AM Tom_dev: ahh
08:05 AM Tom_dev: https://gnipsel.com/linuxcnc/flexgui/install.html#install-with-apt
08:05 AM Tom_dev: might ring a bell
08:11 AM JT-Cave: I'm sure I have instructions somewhere how to make the key
08:26 AM Tom_L: did you mount your backup drive?
08:32 AM Tom_dev: https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/managing-commit-signature-verification/generating-a-new-gpg-key
08:40 AM JT-Shop: chilly in here
08:40 AM JT-Shop: yes
08:41 AM Tom_L: 39F outside
08:41 AM Tom_L: just sitting here i got the chills.. dunno what that's about
08:46 AM Tom_L: ...ask rob :)
08:51 AM C8-Shop: 52 in here
08:59 AM JT-Cave: found my notes
03:35 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> @ JT, got the enable thing sorted at least temporarily. (inquired as to if i can flip the polarity of the enable circuit, so its "enabled" when powered.)
03:35 PM lcnc-relay: Now figuring out the stepper settings
03:42 PM C8-Shop: cool
03:43 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> do have an issue to sort for the motion enable pin in io.hal (mesaCT didn't generate it correctly)
03:47 PM Tom_L: did the C3 get ousted for the C8?
03:54 PM JT-Shop: it's one of the alternate nicks