#flex-dev Logs
Feb 22 2025
#flex-dev Calendar
04:11 AM JT-Cave: morning
05:05 AM Tom_L: morning
07:05 AM JT-Cave: Your item departed our USPS facility in CAPE GIRARDEAU MO DISTRIBUTION CENTER on February 21, 2025 at 2:06 am. The item is currently lost in space
08:34 AM Tom_L: heh
08:37 AM Tom_L: just realized there's a polar coordinate example in the nc_files
08:39 AM Tom_L: i don't think i've ever looked at the examples
08:40 AM JT-Shop: cape is 90 minutes from here...
08:40 AM Tom_L: close but no cigar
08:41 AM Tom_L: where did it ship from?
08:53 AM JT-Cave: cape sent it back to st louis lol
08:54 AM Tom_L: usps?
08:54 AM JT-Cave: yup
08:54 AM Tom_L: maybe it's their new way of going postal
08:55 AM Tom_L: i just figured out on remap if you're not using prolog & epilog you don't even need to call the python part
08:55 AM Tom_L: just ngc=subroutine
08:56 AM Tom_L: in the remap line
08:57 AM JT-Cave: that's cool
08:57 AM Tom_L: sure simplifies a simple remap
08:57 AM JT-Cave: yup
09:01 AM Tom_L: maybe cape -> stLouis is their standard route now from the sorting center
09:02 AM Tom_L: although it did go thru the StLouis sorting center
09:02 AM Tom_L: usps is kinda nuts
09:03 AM Tom_L: i did have them lose a letter to me and finally sent it to the sender 4 weeks later
09:04 AM Tom_L: local mail...
09:04 AM Tom_L: never did get it
09:10 AM JT-Cave: break fast time here
01:16 PM JT-Shop: my parts are back in cape g
02:13 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> lol
02:13 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> scenic route
04:38 PM JT-Shop: the parts departed cape for who knows where 4 hours ago...
04:44 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> _mystery intensifies_
04:45 PM JT-Shop: they arrived in st louis wednesday and should have been here thursday and delivered
04:45 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> https://www.fabreeko.com/collections/cnc-parts-and-bits/products/modular-vise-system-m6-by-saunders-machine-works-smw, these look nice, considering for my desktop mill
04:50 PM JT-Shop: pretty neat if you have that fixture plate
04:51 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> I haven't machined my fixture plate yet, so could include pins at the correct spacing
04:52 PM lcnc-relay: <ccatlett1984@> dial indicator arrives today, so then on to checking backlash. (well, after finishing config file)
06:22 PM JT-Shop: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/41-guis/51580-flexible-gui?start=130#322324
06:24 PM Tom_L: cool
06:24 PM JT-Shop: yup
06:24 PM * JT-Shop calls it a night
06:24 PM Tom_L: making a bit of progress on a tool changer