#flex-dev Logs
Feb 21 2025
#flex-dev Calendar
04:44 AM JT-Cave: morning
04:44 AM Tom_L: morning
04:48 AM Tom_L: that button shouldn't even be on a keyboard!
04:51 AM JT-Cave: what button
04:52 AM Tom_L: windows button
04:52 AM Tom_L: https://cdsmythe.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Insert-Windows-Key-Symbol.jpg
04:56 AM JT-Cave: I use the left one as my compose key
04:56 AM Tom_L: too close to the ctrl & alt keys. hit the right combination and it shuts down
05:10 AM JT-Cave: on linux?
07:11 AM Tom_L: no this box is windows
07:15 AM Tom_L: i hadn't turned a light on yet and hit the 2 buttons by mistake
07:21 AM JT-Cave: https://forum.linuxcnc.org/configuration-tools/52987-mesa-configuration-tool?start=40#322089
07:21 AM JT-Cave: gotta sharpen up my bit math lol
07:23 AM JT-Cave: or hexadecimal
07:24 AM Tom_L: one of the txt editors has a hex chart
07:24 AM JT-Cave: in linux?
07:24 AM Tom_L: programmer's notepad
07:25 AM Tom_L: dunno if it has a linux version or not
07:26 AM Tom_L: doesn't look like it
07:27 AM Tom_L: hexedit but it's not much of an editor
07:27 AM Tom_L: mostly just for editing hex files
10:49 AM Tom_L: weekend has arrived
10:49 AM JT-Shop__ is now known as JT-Shop
10:49 AM JT-Shop: here too
10:50 AM Tom_L: i should do a refresher on that M6 remap
10:50 AM JT-Shop: I forgot to stop by John Deere for some corn head grease...
10:51 AM Tom_L: i never could get orient to work right but that was with the sherline spindle motor and it was kinda iffy anyway
10:51 AM Tom_L: it would try but never quite get to the stop point
10:51 AM Tom_L: even with a near component
10:52 AM JT-Shop: almost need a servo or an inverter rated motor
10:52 AM Tom_L: yeah something you can control very fine
10:53 AM Tom_L: the sherline motor didn't have much on the bottom end and that's where you need to be for orient
10:54 AM Tom_L: i may try one that just displays a message then M6 for him to see how it works
10:54 AM Tom_L: does axis display debug messages?
10:54 AM Tom_L: maybe on the lower right
10:57 AM JT-Shop: yup print goes to the terminal
03:05 PM Tom_L: aparently IMAGE is also a valid 'print' argument
03:05 PM Tom_L: ; the image path must be relative from your config dir or absolut, "~" is allowed
03:05 PM Tom_L: (IMAGE, ./macros/images/i_am_lost.png)
03:05 PM Tom_L: saw that in some code
04:52 PM JT-Shop: cool
05:13 PM JT-Shop: well my steering gearbox parts didn't show up today
05:55 PM Tom_L: did up a remap for oddname, he seemed happy
05:55 PM JT-Shop: cool